NewsBharati    25-Sep-2024 10:40:09 AM   
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"A new world is being born before your eyes, the old one is collapsing. In this turbulent process, Belarus is still an island of tranquility but it is rocking on the waves of the world storm. Where this storm will take us all is up to us."
President of the Republic of Belarus

We have all heard about Geopolitics and Geostrategy. These two words/terms are often used (off late) in TV debates by anchors and panelists both. These are the domain areas of experts, diplomats and political scientists at large. They look at International Relations and problems that keep the nations on the boil all the time. It is a chess board with rules that are broken- promises which are often not kept- and permanency in relations a far cry. Even the most erudite who have little concern about war and peace between nations have very little interest, leave aside knowledge of these two terms.

Scenario today

World is in a ‘rapid transition’ mode today. Things are moving so fast as far as internal and external conditions of every nation state, that it is difficult to guess what would happen tomorrow! There being 200 plus nations in the world, almost all the big ones are at war with themselves as well with others.

Leaders are feeling unsafe about their own survival in many if not almost all cases.

From America, to China to England way down to some small African nations people are up in arms, agitated, protesting against the leaders who once elected behave like kings- most of them. Therefore, their thrones are never fully safe. History tells us how so many kings were thrown out of power by their own subjects or their friends and kins.

Most met a painful and horrific end- Indira Gandhi was assassinated in 1984 and so was Benito Mussolini of Italy at the end of second World War. It is chronicled historically that uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.
A case in point: Edward II was the king of England from 1307 to 1327. Although he was a man of limited capability, he waged a long, hopeless campaign to assert his authority over powerful barons- he finally lost and was imprisoned.

Edward II went the way of all deposed kings. Locked up in Berkeley Castle, he was persuaded to abdicate, then never heard of again. Legend has it that he was murdered by having a red-hot poker thrust up his anus.

Kings had their fellow friends and relatives to worry about, but today duly elected leaders as heads of state have to worry about not only power struggle within but also the people who they represent.

The bigger worry

The most powerful nations are just handful as of today and power struggle to remain as super power or be in the race of being in the race for top five is the biggest tug of war between nations. Constant pulls and pressures, economic, military or material are used to arm twist nations. In such a condition no one knows what the actual game is. If the leaders are all the time looking in the rearview mirror you can well imagine the plight of a citizen who is clueless if not totally confused.

There are conspiracies to change regimes by powers that have the clout through various means- right or wrong, covert ops, money power, psychological warfare, deep state actions, frauds, media manipulations and even bumping off heads of states by assassinations. All is well and the next day you see a Prime Minister being made to resign and fly within an hour to take refuge in other country! Things move in real time.

A tourist is not sure what would it be like tomorrow in a foreign land. His own embassy may be stormed by a terrorist organization or diplomats made to leave within 48 hours. Governments are elected basis hating another nation – ‘India out’ was a plank which was the one that changed the government in Maldives. A longtime friend, a nation that was helped by India several times, militarily, economically and medically (Covid times) all of a sudden became a sworn enemy of the state.

Even in so called large stable democracies new leaders take over and come up with ruthless policies in the so called ‘national interest’ and interest of own people they can suddenly make foreigners making a living out there look like devils and throw them out without batting an eye lid. These policies are on hormonal high and can cost a family its livelihood and make it run for cover- not knowing where to go. Wars get students in the crossfire and can get stuck in a tunnel to survive an air raid for weeks on! Ukraine is a living example.

We say the world is one big family with fancy names like global village, inclusivity, tolerance, multi-cultural, multi- ethnicity and such fancy names. Once the ballon goes up all this comes crashing down like a pack of cards and a foreigner is hit the hardest.

The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.


The safest is your home base

People go to different nations to uplift their financial status, look for better opportunities and better standard of living and that is a great idea. People migrate often and this is happening since centuries. As we progress, scientifically and feel we have become more organized and civilized actually exactly the opposite has happened. The world has become fragile and volatile politically and God is also unhappy with us as typhoons are occurring more frequently and much more in intensity, flooding entire nations making things still more unpredictable.
No one can throw you out of your own country- there should be no doubt in this. If I am an Indian, in India I am on mother earth- my own nation.

Yet you cannot avoid looking for better options abroad!

With a handful of salt, you have to take a chance- if not the world could come to a standstill. But a person looking out to move to other nations to make a better living must factor in what I term as ‘livopolitics’- which means a hand on the political pulse of the country you are planning to go to.

I had introduced a subject of ‘Geopolitics- a primer’ for the MBA program for my students. The idea was to give a broad view of world affairs so that they could apply this when doing business outside the boundary of own country.

I feel regardless of your domain expertise you must get some basic idea of the world in transition which will help you take decisions on personal level more objectively and will stand you in good stead throughout your life.
You do not have to be a geopolitical wizard but a working idea of word affairs is a must have for all adults.
Last but not the least keep your nation safe- nation first- that is your lifeline your anchor.

‘You need to understand, if you take out a government, take out a regime, guess who becomes the government and regime and is responsible for the country? You are. So, if you break it, you own it.’
Colin Powell

Virender Kapoor

A thinker, educationist and an inspirational guru. Kapoor is an Indian who wears many hats. An educationist of repute, he was the Director of a prestigious management Institute under the Symbiosis umbrella. He has emerged as a leading think tank in human behavior, motivation and success. As a celebrity author, his name appears with the likes of Thomas Friedman and Dale Carnegie. He has authored more than 30 books as of now which are on Amazon worldwide and several of his books are in the pipeline.