What can a common man do for the nation? -‘Create a positive feeling’

16 Aug 2024 10:06:19

One feels helpless!

An ordinary citizen of India who is well read, fully aware of our situation, our socioeconomic realities and above all the influence of the ‘enemy within’ feels helpless today. One knows the intentions and ill intentions of the political parties, the so called “eco system”, activists, political spokes persons, self-acclaimed spoke people of the people, ‘thekedars’ of everything under the sun, who are hell bent to destroy our country, its image and in turn destroy us and our next generations. Some of them have a full-time job to criticize whatever good is being done by anyone. Good Samaritans, government or even the armed forces- they have to poke their nose in everything.
You can see right in front of yourself people talking nonsense on TV, using free unbridled social media to abuse the nation left right and center and you watch helplessly all this ‘cheerharan’ every day- almost 18 hours of your day. Yet you feel no one is doing anything to stop them.
common man india 

Our normal reaction

When your blood boils, you can do very little and start blaming the government or judiciary or the bureaucrats or the police or the administration at large for not taming or reigning in these fellows.

You need an avenue for ‘catharsis’ – you look for something to vent your feelings. Sometimes, when you do not get anything, friends start fighting with each other due to a silly remark by a silly fellow in a silly city in a silly TV studio. You lose the plot and lose a friend too. Next best is to rebut a tweet or curse on a whats app or forward a caustic forward to friends on a group to let out your anger- ‘Thand padd gayi’ you feel now you have given vent to your feelings and it works like a soothing balm to your soul. But it makes no difference to the perpetrator.
Most of us today have stopped watching these debates. Same topics, same people, same contorted expressions- yuk. But this is a defeatist attitude! No? Face them.

“Never wrestle with a pig because you'll both get dirty and the pig likes it." - George Bernard Shaw

The parasites love it

You can watch and you watch daily these sick guys on the TV debates. They have different names given by fellow citizens, creative media and crazy citizens. ‘Khan Market Gang’, traitors, Leftists, LELI (left liberals) or even pseudo intellects, SICKULARS, worst ‘LIBERANDUS’ whatever it means. You use them as cuss words but for them it is a badge of honor. Like OBE, AVSM, or Vir- Chakra or a Padma award; they love it.
They have a ‘democratic Suraksha kavach’ and they know it is safe in India to abuse India and Indians. They dare not do it anywhere else!

Today a ‘nationalist’ is a bigger abuse than ‘librandu’ as librandu is cool and so is khan market.

Though tag of ‘Khan market’ has become famously notorious, most people who are not from Delhi- upwardly mobile- will not know what khan market is!

It is a relatively small market in ‘LOOTENS DELHI’ nestled between high flying places like Pandara Road, Sujan Singh park, The Claridges hotel, office of United Nations, India International center, Lodhi garden Golf Links- whoosh. Named after Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan a freedom fighter it is a happening place. Having a cup of coffee or picking up a book from a book shop gives Delhites a high! This is like Nassim road of Singapore or more famous Bond Street of London- nothing to do with 007 James Bond! Coffee shops like Laduree or Andrea's Bar & Brasserie are some hep names to flaunt about.

When you troll a normal guy, he gets upset but when you troll a librandu his chest swells with pride! He or she is so happy as he is being noticed- his followers list becomes bigger and bigger- you hate him and he loves you. He cares a damn about what you say on social media. For him ‘Hamaam mein saab nangey hain’.

Don’t forget this is his profession- he makes a living out of it. He is more famous than you and me. That is a bonus. There are organizations, there are out of their mind billionaires- powerful nations and political parties who feed them, support them, pay them and praise them. You are alone but they have an entire echo system to support them.
Then what to do? How to help your Country?

“You have to clean out the pig barn every week because you know your pigs are in there doing their jobs every day.” — Don Meyder
Let us understand that given the environment and a strangulated democracy that we are, the government cannot handle some rogues and has to tolerate their nonsense. Our constitution gives a lot of leeway to good the bad and the ugly. Freedom of speech is the biggest hurdle for the administration and a free run to the activists. Judiciary and the law enforcing agencies too are on the back foot. The media, especially the anchors are always over prudent lest they go wrong or as they say ‘cross the line’ and get hauled up by the law, or a PIL or a case registered in a court of ‘law’. Worst they could lose their job! Therefore, you cannot expect anything against the racketeers from them. Foreign media is also pushing a negative narrative against India as we are doing well as a nation. They have a set agenda and are doing a good job of it.

They are not brave!

Far from it.

These liberals are liberals as long as there is no one to oppose them. They can do shadow boxing but will never enter a boxing ring. They will criticize the army but will never join the army and fight for the country- they are paper tigers, loudmouths and cowards sipping hot cups of coffee in coffee house- that is their intellectual adda. If someone takes them on when they step out of the studio, they will run away- may be never to return. One, odd guy may wet his pants too; that is why they are urbanized Naxals. Have you ever shaken hands with any of them- their hands are so soft, fluffy and tender as they have never worked in life- they live off you!

Public shaming tool kit

Public humiliation or public shaming is a form of punishment whose main feature is dishonoring or disgracing a person, especially in a public place. It was regularly used as a form of judicially sanctioned punishment in previous centuries, and is still practiced by different means in the modern era.

In the United States, it was a common practice through the 19th century. It fell out of common use in the 20th century, though it has seen a revival starting in the 1990s.

With the rise of the social media, public shaming moved to the digital sphere, but as mentioned earlier these youtubers or TV panellists love it. Most don’t read the post due to digital fatigue, they just count the numbers and feel happy as they reach a million mark.

Therefore, remedy to sort these people out is to protest in public in front of them. Take out candle marches with their posters and effigies. No point of putting pressure on government which is already under so much of pressure from the dictates of law and geopolitical pressures.

Instead of gheraoing a college principal, a member of Parliament or a Minister- gherao these guys and shame them. Do funny satirical street plays where they live, play dhol tasha and bugles to shame them. You can be more and more creative to device new methods. These are peaceful methods.

‘Tell the truth and shame the devil.’ - Francois Rabelais
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