World Peace Holiday- Sponsored by United Nations

12 Aug 2024 11:37:00

“Every man can transform the world from one of monotony and drabness to one of excitement and adventure.”- Irving Wallace

You read it right- sponsored by UN. This is no Thomas cook or TCS world travel advertisement.

The world is in chaos today- created by world leaders. There can be no better statement than this to describe random maddening destruction all across the planet. There are around 200 countries in the world and around 25 matter the most as far as power and influence is concerned. They have also formed groups actually gangs. These are elite clubs- with fancy names like G20, QUAD, BRICS etc. Yet the world is at war all the time. Never a dull moment.

World Peace Holiday Sponsored by United Nations

G-7 is a gang of seven rich brat-nations- who have amassed wealth and their people and leaders are like rich kids of rich dads. Dads are as arrogant as any super rich guy and they talk only in billions- nothing less. Solution to any problem for them is to allocate X billion Dollars! Even if a super fraction is given to a common man his life will be transformed.

These rich dads have big egos which they have gotten or ill-gotten with tons of money they have in their national coffers. Most are sitting on piles of billions if not trillion of dollars- and they are public servants! Once they fool the people and get elected- they almost, yes almost have a free run for 4 to 5 years in which they have the wherewithal to create chaos. I am sure in their bedrooms, they must be beaming with pride and showing off to their spouses on Television – ‘See I did this!’. Whether it is Xi(She), Kim (he is he), Joe, Donald, Barrack, Bush, Merkel, Stalin, Meloni, Justin or Putin. The all are the same- trouble creators and trouble seekers. They create and attract trouble. They Love it.

They head cartels and are much more powerful than Drug lords. They can move thousands of tanks, dozens of ships and submarines, millions of troops, hundreds of aircraft and thousands of howitzers within a day. They also have a button at hand to release a nuke! So don’t mess with me- and the world is safe. Gangs of Wasipur are small hornets in front of these high and mighty bullies.

Al Capone- Alphonse Gabriel Capone known by the nickname "Scarface", was a dreaded American Italian gangster. He, created mayhem in America from 1925 to1931 as boss of ‘Chicago Outfit’ a notorious gang/syndicate. Today America Inc is run by one man – backed by a senate. Collectively they have toppled 6 dozen regimes/governments. This was in the last 75 years or so- a toppling every year!

And they are the custodians of peace, values and democracy goal keepers. Yet they keep planning three to four topplings on the CIA drawing board in parallel. And carry out a hit when the time is right-with an occasional miss.
As they say ‘doodh ka dhulla koi bhi nahi hai’ (None of them is absolutely clean) and they mostly operate in a networked fashion much like gangsters - collective killing. But they are legit gangsters protected by some rulebook or the other- but they have no rules. They sign treaties, tear treaties and do everything in the name of national interest.

Mind you even thieves have code of conduct but they have none.

Now gangsters also give a warning first, speak very nicely but if you do not listen to them and concede, then they come and bash you up.

“Never wrestle with a pig because you'll both get dirty and the pig likes it."- George Bernard Shaw

A paid holiday for the Lords of the Ring

These lords create a problem and then much like gang lords, meet in Geneva to solve the same problem! Flying expensive jets with big teams of bureaucrats, assistants as ghost busters- yet sanctioning billions to douse the fire- UN peace keeping force or Observers as if a football match is going on! Observe what?
They create a problem and then collectively solve it too. But not always- some time two decent rogues have to confront each other.

Cuban Crisis

Cuba, a next-door neighbour of the US was a communist regime under their popular leader Fidel Castro. John F Kennedy, the then US president in 1962 wanted to eliminate him and launched Bay of Pigs operation- which failed.
In July 1962 Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev reached a secret agreement with Cuban premier Fidel Castro to place Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba to deter any future invasion attempt. Construction of several missile sites began in the late summer, but U.S. intelligence discovered it and both nations were ready for a nuclear conflict- which luckily got averted as better sense prevailed and lastminute stand down happened.

Ukraine-a new turf

Now almost a similar situation has been ‘created’ by Uncle Sam in Europe. They want to come closer to Russia by instigating Zelensky the head of state of Ukraine to ask for a membership of NATO. Russia was in a dilemma as America was in 1962. How can he allow NATO- read gangster US- to come so close to its borders. Uncle Sam then egged rest of the Syndicate- European Union, and that is entire Europe to support a war which it made Ukraine wage on Russia. Though Russia may have fired the first salvo but who irked Putin? It was US. Here, America played billiards. A cannon shot- hit Russia through Europe, sacrificing Ukraine!

There is no right or wrong in war or a gang war.

Whenever there was a gang war in Mumbai, the police would lock up the gangsters and shooting would stop and peace would return on the streets of the tinsel town.

Then what is the solution to world at war?

You cannot lock up heads of states. The best would be to pack them off to an unknown secret holiday location with families and no cell phones or connectivity. No assistants, no office/secretarial staff- just chill for three months-on the house all paid for by United Nations.

I feel the world will return to peace very soon.

“A people’s peace is a peace without victory, a peace without conquests or indemnities.”—Helen Keller,

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