The Ugly Opening Ceremony of Olympics 2024

NewsBharati    01-Aug-2024 14:38:40 PM   
Total Views | 1054
On 26th July, the world saw the Olympics 2024 opening ceremony in Paris, France. A few things in that ceremony shocked people the world over. Men dressed as women, drag shows, sexually suggestive dances, etc. It was shocking, ugly, cringe and pukeworthy.
The Ugly Opening Ceremony of Olympics 2024

One instance where these deranged, mentally ill people reprised the Last Supper (the final meal that Jesus Christ shared with his apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixion) depiction of Leonardo da Vinci which has angered the Christians world over. But look at the power of the Wokes. Even the Pope did not issue any statement against this. Has the Pope been reduced to mere photo ops? Has the church lost its power in front of a bunch of lunatics?

If Christianity cannot condemn one of the most revered aspects of the life of Jesus Christ, it's doomsday for them. With more and more Christians moving away from their religion, this void/vacancy is being filled up with great speed by Wokeism. This new religion, which is working day and night to destroy religions and cultures made up the biggest sporting event in the world, where this year, 206 nations are competing.

What is LGBTQIA+ have to do with the Olympics opening ceremony? Why is there a need to bring sexual orientations to a sporting event? A rational person will have these questions in mind. But Wokeism does not allow you to reason. It kills your rationality with emotional rants about the oppression of LGBTQ people, homophobia and whatnot.

It was a shameful day for France as a nation. The nation with rich history, culture and arts managed with a great opportunity to showcase this, came up with this kind of a disgrace. Watch the opening ceremonies of Barcelona in 1992, Athens in 2004, Beijing in 2008, and London in 2012. These are some of the beautiful representations of history, arts and culture. The cultural Marxists grabbed an opportunity and a culturally rich nation like France was trapped. It couldn’t prevent this and meekly surrendered to a bunch of power-hungry, mentally ill people.

It was the opening ceremony of the Olympics, but it felt like the closing ceremony of culture, rationality and humanity.

Devesh V. Bagul

Devesh V Bagul is a graduate and works for a private limited company. He is interested in religion, national security, cultural, and social issues.