Dangerous Woke Game in the Name of Caste

11 Jun 2024 16:14:15
The Lok Sabha elections recently concluded in India. Considering the campaigning that happened during the election phases, the opposition focussed on the issue of caste and was able to instil fear among the Schedule Caste (SC) people that the Constitution of India would be changed (meaning the reservation would be scrapped) by the government if they get re-elected. The caste identities of majority Hindus in India were the prime target of the opposition to indulge in fear-mongering among the people.

Caste politics lok sabha elections

Once such incident which did not catch much of the attention of the mainstream media was a video of Rahul Gandhi, a Congress MP, who explained to a group of people that Dalits do not get into IITs because the papers are set by the Upper Caste people. He said that more Dalits setting entrance tests would help lower caste students get into IITs. He compared this with the American Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) to explain that the African-Americans and the Spanish failed the SAT because the test is designed by the Whites to purposely fail the students of the above two communities. He suggested that the entrance tests to get into IITs were purposely designed by the Upper Caste people to discriminate against the Schedule Caste (Dalits) and Scheduled Tribes (Adivasi) people. He could be seen saying in the video that those who control the system decide the merit of the exam.

In the video, Rahul Gandhi explained that following years of controversy about the SATs’ alleged racial bias, an experiment was conducted wherein the test was formulated by Black educators. He claimed that when this happened, all the White students who took this test failed. There is no such research report/news about any such experiment known to have been conducted in the US. This could very well mean that Rahul Gandhi was lying.
SATs or Scholastic Assessment Test are standardised assessment tests that most American high school students take. These tests included 98 questions in four modules: One for reading, one for writing, and two for mathematics. The test was first designed in 1926 by Carl Brigham, a Princeton University professor, and was mandatory for admissions to colleges in the US until recently. Post the Covid-19 pandemic, several American universities have stopped assessing students based on their SAT scores. Blacks and Spanish do not get good scores on the SAT because of the difference/lack of opportunities to get a quality education, and lack of support from the schools and their community. It has nothing to do with the tests itself. Those Blacks who have access to tuition for SAT pass with flying colours.

The Congress Party is playing a dangerous game here. They very well knew that they would not win the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. But this is not about the 2024 elections. This is about the future. It is right from the Wokeism playbook. The Woke people in the US are hell bent to create a chaos by pitching the Blacks against the Whites. To do this they are first making the Blacks believe that the American system is racially biased because it is run by the Whites. Every exam/test is biased because the paper setters are white. Secondly, the wokes have mounted attacks on the thing called merit. To kill meritocracy, they are purposely igniting racial identities.

Same thing is being done by the Congress party in India. They want to create chaos by pitching one caste against the other. Since the Congress Party is a product of the British, it is obvious that the party will indulge in the policy of divide and rule of their masters, used with effectiveness during their rule in India. Rahul Gandhi should be reminded that the professors who design the question papers do not frame questions based on the student’s caste. Subjects like science and mathematics are not prone to be affected by who designs the questions. The Congress Party is purposely playing this game to kill merit in India, and to create disbelief in the minds of the SC and ST people about the Indian systems. This is a direct attack on the authenticity of meritorious institutions like IITs who have produced excellent people regardless of their caste.

There are a few questions one must ask here – Does the Congress party have a hatred for the general category people? Those who claim that it was Nehru (Rahul Gandhi’s great grandfather) who brought IIT into India – was Nehru an anti-SC/ST person who purposely created such institutions to demean SC/ST people? If IITs are not welcoming for SC/ST students, why are passing scores for SC/ST students kept low?

To the readers – this ploy of the Congress party was not just a one-off incident. It seems to be a well-designed Wokeism agenda they have started unleashing to create a chaos in this country and destroy the systems and the merit in the country. Get ready for these things soon. It is upon us whether to fall for this Woke agenda or to stay united for a better Bharat.

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