2024 Elections – Why Appeal for Vote Jihad Now ?

11 May 2024 11:42:19
It is very natural that during election times, atmosphere will be charged in the pursuit of power, more so in multi-party democracy where elections are the primary tool to get political power. So, candidates do make allegations and charges against each other, most of the times unsubstantiated, because purpose is not to prove these but create a narrative in own favour for political purpose. All seasoned politicians understand this. However, there are certain issues which create an undercurrent at subconscious level, purpose is not only electoral gains in short run but also create a long-term narrative in the mind of people. “Jihad” is such a word in Islamic terminology which connects religion with the individuals at deeper subs conscious level.
VOte Jihad
Post 1947, Muslims were always voting en block. Congress monopolised on their votes through so called appeasement. Subsequently, parties like Samajwadi Party or Lallu’s party replaced Congress in their own areas. Mamta and so many others also made own bastion with the help of Muslim votes. This strategy was doing well. Unite the Muslims as part of appeasement politics and divide Hindus on caste lines. Any attempt to unite Hindus was called communal politics and BJP was blamed for it while appeasement of Muslims became a secular agenda. Muslims will vote en block for a particular party or candidate, it was de facto acceptance, socially and politically. It was done without any use of “Jihad” the word but political conduct was accorded the status of Jihad, without making it so obvious.
So called Ashraf’s who monopolised Muslim leadership throughout, always made use of this political situation to gain powerful positions or favour from the rulers. This situation continued till the arrival of BJP on political horizon. It shattered the political strategy of opposition – INDI alliance in present context.
Question is how to ensure that Muslims vote in a particular pattern without using the word, Jihad? In last two elections Muslim Ashraf’s leadership is finding it challenging to keep the flock together specially in view of disquiet in Pashmanda community who are basically converted lot, without any real community power and have no love lost for Ashraf’s who have been their exploiters. So, Jihad has to be brought in ...religious meaning to political conduct has been given, now in a open manner because covert means are not working.
Now the question is why at this point of time? If previous elections could be fought without giving the name – Vote Jihad, what is so special now.
The answer lies in the statement of PM Modi. It is no holds bar situation for anti-Indian forces and Pashmanda Muslims are the tools for them. INDI alliance is party to it. Who is Maria Alam Khan? she is niece of Salman Khurseed, a highly educated family, Ashraf herself, who is instigating Muslims primarily Pashmandas to take voting to Jihad level against BJP. This is communal politics in pure form.
This is real face of so-called Muslim leadership in India who held constitutional position of Law Minister of India but allowing his own niece to advocate Vote Jihad in India. Some points emerge from here.
Educated Muslim lot is not enlightened lot all the time. They will do what ever it takes to achieve their goals. If they need Jihad – which has component of violence into it, let it be. International connections will ensure that it is covered up nicely and properly, probably a nice justification to depict it as an expression for freedom will come at the earliest. Leftist and liberal media will provide intellectual back up. Vote Jihad will also ensure that your opponents should not get a chance to vote at all. What is happening in West Bengal is true reflections of Vote Jihad only. It can be extended into Muslim majority areas comfortably. Now, connect it with opposition to EVM. Paper voting helps in operationalising of Vote Jihad because booth capturing is easy .
Now, can you imagine how this is connected with UCC. More the numbers, better is the probability of hijacking Indian polity and constitution. While Congress is advocating social welfare state, Muslim ulemas and religious texts are advocating more and more children who do not need any formal training of Jihad but need facilities from the state without their own contribution to it. When Rahul Gandhi talks of economic survey and redistribution of wealth, he is talking of collecting the money from achievers and distributing to these producers of kids whose vote has equal power as yours but since he will have more numbers and numbers, you have no chance to succeed against him in multi-party democracy. You may not vote but he will certainly vote because it is part of Jihad for him.
Now the question is, how you can stop Vote Jihad in multi-party democracy like India. You have to bring UCC. We can not afford to allow to produce kids after kids at the cost of social welfare schemes financed by tax payers. We pay for them, finance them, encourage them to produce un productive population and then they elect themselves to be our political bosses. So basically, productive middle class and achievers are paying for own slow but sure demise. How long can it continue like this. This will ensure that India never progresses, people like Rahul Gandhi keep on talking of employment for them without any real skill set, if possible, they give them govt employment to aggravate our miseries of governance. They give them reservation also. When you go to govt offices, you have samples to see everywhere. If political leaders like Rahul Gandhi have its way, they will see to it that private sector is made unproductive. Just go to Bihar and visualise the bigger all India picture.
So, what is the solution? Wake up now. We are already paying for our sure and slow demise. If Vote Jihad continues, we will be in minority in no time and all those people who have no interest of India at heart will be sitting at the helm of affairs. Inheritance tax will ensure that all the big industries will move away to Dubai, redistribution of wealth will ensure that your hard work pays for non-achievers.
If you do not vote, you are voting against nationalist forces automatically because anti nationalist Jihad forces will vote against Modi in any case. You lose if you do not vote.
Please exercise your right to decide your destiny now in these elections. Probably a last democratic chance for us all.
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