The Dread That Haunts Mothers, Especially - Drug Addiction | V

NewsBharati    05-Apr-2024 11:53:04 AM   
Total Views | 274
Many readers individually (especially mothers ) communicated their concerns about the drug and all sorts of addictions. Many see that students who have to leave their homes for study, seem to be easily ( of course comparatively) attracted to addictions. Many suggested that parents of such students need to interact with them effectively and try to help them deal with small worries and pressures they face.

Drug Addiction

A professor who worked with a renowned college in Pune shared her observations. She saw the meaning of addiction changed with time. ( Senior citizens would remember that even drinking tea or betel nuts too belonged to the category of addiction to an extent. ) The class that struggles to make ends meet hates any kind of addiction because it makes things more difficult, but some surrender and take refuge in drugs too.

Neo rich class seem to have adjusted to the idea of alcoholic drinks and smoking, even women too accept it as a status symbol to a great extent. This is viewed as fun or enjoyment by some, a teacher stated supporting the point. They feel there is no harm in entertaining it occasionally. They get carried away by the trend without giving much thought to it. Probably it is essential to reach this class to discuss the tricky ground, occasional practices may take a very serious and dangerous turn. Children are introduced to this at a very young age and get permission too. They may go a step ahead and see even drugs as a next step of enjoyment or fun.

A mother of young girls asked whether she should allow her daughters to read such articles. Would they understand the anxiety of mothers? Many stated clearly that children should be made aware of the menace caused by drugs,it would help them keep away from such addiction.

A senior pathologist cleared one confusion, he stated in no ambiguous terms that all the drugs whether in the natural form or chemical compositions are hazardous to health. Many drugs are made using naturally harvested drugs. Of course, there are some which are prepared using chemicals, they are even more dangerous. So basically addiction itself is ruining oneself.

An experienced social worker who has worked on a variety of social projects for more than a couple of decades, expressed her thoughts as she had an opportunity to observe many social sectors as a part of her work.
Adolescents are to a great extent rebellious in nature, it is the striking feature of this phase. Children have strange peer pressure, they want to make their image as cool. They get easily influenced by the things they see around them. The virtual image of an adolescent also carries a great weight, the likes they get, are translated to be notes of positive appreciation. The appearance of a person gets important, one wants to look cool and want to show that even after consuming drugs they can manage well. It is not an addiction for them at that stage in a way, but this stage does not last long.

She saw parents ignoring the fact that the child was indulging in drugs for some time, maybe out of ignorance or blind faith. Children show some significant behaviour, they start avoiding people and parents equally, consistently coughing is also one of the symptoms that can be observed, and skin starts turning dark. Children keep asking for money repeatedly for some or other reason, initially, parents are oblivious to the reality, but they do not immediately suspect that the child is in trouble.

Most of the time they too do not have enough strength to fight the menace, they for some time keep rationalising it too. They try to convince themselves that the child cannot be so dishonest. The child, they consider, really needs money, this they immediately do not turn sceptic and for some time they are tricked also. They simply cannot accept that the child can easily turn into a drug addict. Children too know that the parents are extremely protective and emotional when it comes to the child. So for a long time, the parents keep dodging the questions and queries. Ultimately they accept when it is very late, the child is almost at the no-return point.

She suggested many ways to confront the problem at multiple levels. Workshops need to be organised for students which may include addiction. These workshops may help children to know how to deal with the situation,how can they find like-minded friends. How should people around them view them? How does one build the kind of reputation one wants? Instead of getting influenced, how can they turn into influencers? How to deal with peer pressure? They should be able to flaunt their values unabashedly. They should understand that not falling prey to any addiction needs great mental strength, they need not be embarrassed of their value system.

She used the term finishing school for such type of work. From the protected environment of schools, children enter into the world where they taste freedom, how to deal with the newfound freedom? ( Some teachers pointed out that even school-going students too should be made to participate in such workshops) How to make decisions for which they had set patterns in schools and to an extent at home too. Decision-making is an art which may be learned to a great extent. The students who go to bigger or different cities or towns for education have freedom and time at their disposal. How can it be utilised to prepare themselves for their future professional career? These points hardly find space in our discussion, but they are essential.

One more point is put forth, initially when individuals have to struggle to earn to satisfy the basic needs and reach a point of stability, many do not get time and energy left to entertain any kind of addiction. ( Of course there always are exceptions, and will remain) When one has money where one has not invested efforts and energy, or it can be described as not hard-earned money, one is tempted to spend on things like addiction. This is not always corruption money or tainted money, it can be money inherited or money earned much more than the needs. She shared her observation which is the result of her spending a long time working on various projects, some of which were not related directly to some social problems. Of course, human behaviour cannot be described satisfactorily using one explanation or a theory.

Many suggested that the role of spiritual leaders and family should be discussed. It is reserved for the next write up.

Prof. Vidya Deshpande

Professor Vidya Deshpande has had a journey of more than four decades in the field of education. Her  main expertise is in the subject of Philosophy,  and she has worked as a teacher of philosophy and logic with Nowrosjee Wadia college for 36 years. She has been associated with the Janakalyan Blood bank for last for 38 years and has also carried out the responsibility as a management committee member of Karve Stree Shikshan Sanstha for 10 years. Her special fields of interest are Philosophy of social sciences, school education, development of skills for self reliance,  and top up skills to make students profession ready,