Mumbai Central Railway police station Inspector Monali Gharte said, “The accused has a previous history for the same crime. Hailing from Uttar Pradesh, he relocated to Mumbai a few years ago and resides in Kamathipura. An addict, he sells clothes on footpaths or roadsides. However, the police are waiting for the doctor's report.” The police didn't clarify the substance he abused.
The man has been booked under Indian Penal Code sections 354 (criminal force to woman with intent to outrage modesty) and 354 (A) (sexual harassment) as well as the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act provisions 8 (commits sexual assault) and 18 (attempt to commit an offence).
Earlier, Dadar police arrested a cab driver identified as Mohammad Jalil Khaleel in the case of raping a minor girl. The police officer said that the girl is mentally ill and the driver lured her and took her with him and raped her.
According to information received from police sources, this incident happened on Thursday night. A 15-year-old girl who is mentally ill had come to stay with one of her relatives. At around 1 AM in the night, she came out of the house and was standing on the road. At this time, the accused Mohammad Jalil Khaleel who is an Uber cab driver, saw this girl alone on the road.