WAR FRIES- from Israel to Geneva via Iran-served crisp and hot

NewsBharati    25-Oct-2024 12:32:20 PM   
Total Views | 560
‘The age in which we live can only be characterized as one of barbarism. Our civilization is in the process not only of being militarized, but also being brutalized.’

It was interesting to watch a live session of United Nations meeting on Isreal Gaza conflict on TV just the other day. Albeit the 61st of such sessions in recent times. Sixty meetings in one year meant five a month or one every week-voila.
iran israel united nations
Ambassador of Palestine was giving a long well-crafted speech written on several pages which he read patiently yet deliberately and was addressing his anguish to the people in the room and especially to madam president.

If one had heard nothing before or after his barrage of allegations one would feel that it was indeed Israel , which had attacked Gaza governed by Hamas! He reiterated that there was no bigger crime than this, committed by anyone before this in the history. He blamed Israel of war crimes and like many others from the west wanted to put PM of Israel Mr. Netanyahu on the mat and tried for ‘genocide’ or words to that effect. He was referring to ‘poor civilians’ who for no fault of theirs were being deprived of food water and medicine. They were getting targeted by Israeli army and getting killed- he was pleading for the women the elderly and the children.

Palestine’s UN envoy calls Israel’s ongoing assault on northern Gaza the country’s “latest plan to achieve what has been its goal all along”.

“We warned since the early days of Israel’s assault that its goal was forcible displacement of the Palestinian people and annexation of the Palestinian territory. What we are seeing in northern Gaza is exactly that,” he said.

He said these were heinous acts of inhumanity and these were crimes against humanity looking at the larger goals.
The use of the term “crimes against humanity”, as in the report against Israel, is usually reserved for the most serious international crimes knowingly committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack against civilians.

The envoy from Israel gave a blow-by-blow account of what happened on 7th Oct 2023 and the beheading and burning of children as if the perpetrators were enjoying all this. Yes, they were parading naked women’s dead bodies on the streets. Repeatedly, raping women and taking more than 200 hostages was not a joke. Amongst hostages were elderly and some foreign nationals too. It was an unprovoked attack on a holiday at a festival where people were singing and dancing.

Witnesses described the perpetrators using shovels, (Stone Age barbarism) beheading victims, engaged in rapes, and even playing with severed body parts. The BBC reported that "Videos of naked and bloodied women filmed by Hamas on the day of the attack, and photographs of bodies taken at the sites afterwards. They were flaunting their actions and put even Nazi thugs under Hitler to shame who murdered millions of Jews and kept this fact hidden from the world and its own people.

These guys – Hamas- enjoyed every bit of it and put that as medal of honour on their chests broadcasting to world what they did to women and children with pride. These are crimes against humanity.

They enjoyed these merciless killing?

According to Chen Kugel, head of the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute, hundreds of bodies arrived at the institute in a state "beyond recognition". Pathologists were required to process, among others, bone fragments recovered from fires; a blood-soaked baby mattress; victims who were tied, then executed; and two victims who were tied, then incinerated alive.

Can these be forgotten? Not only Israel, even the world should not forget this. Enough of terror-enough is now more than enough.

They didn’t spare their own people nor the UN.

As far as civilians of Gaza who are their own people (of Hamas) were being used by Hamas as human shields. Hamas had weapons under hospitals, in the homes of civilians then what can an attacking Israeli army do except try not to hurt a civilian deliberately. Palestine was blaming Israel of hitting at UN peace keeper to which Israeli representative said that Hamas was not even sparing the sanctity of UN as they were using the United Nations helmets and uniforms to mislead IDF soldiers. Israeli forces have discovered a tunnel network hundreds of metres long and running partly under UNRWA's - United Nations Relief and Works Agency- Gaza headquarters, the military says, calling it new evidence of Hamas exploitation of the main relief agency for Palestinians. This is deceit of the highest order. Instead of thinking of putting sanctions on Israel they must understand what was happening on ground.

PM Netanyahu was not wrong when he said in UN assembly that it is not a clash of civilisations , but clash of civilised with the uncivilised.

The long and short of it

As a third party one would say that what was UN doing when Oct 7 attack took place? In fact, in all fairness, they should have sent a force to neutralize Hamas as was done by an American lead coalition of almost 28n nations to destroy Iraq and hang Saddam Hussain- not even a shred of WMD was found yet they did it.

Instead, UN was a mute dumb spectator. They have drawn enough criticism of not having any teeth and of course, no guts too.

The cost to the world at large- our United Nations

The United Nations is a White elephant which neither moves nor acts. It lectures debates and deliberates. The UN is headquartered in New York City. The headquarters of the United Nations (UN) is on 17 to 18 acres of grounds in the Turtle Bay neighbour-hood of Midtown Manhattan in New York City. Built at a cost of US$65 million (equivalent to $600 million in 2023) it is a towering building of 39 floors and 154 m in height! It also has a swanky office in Geneva.

On 24 December 2023, the General Assembly has approved a $3.59 billion budget for the United Nations for 2024, including the establishment of a special account to finance the Organization’s peacebuilding fund. The 193-member General Assembly also adopted nearly $50 million in additional funding for decisions taken by the Human Rights Council, the UN’s primary forum on human rights matters.

According to some estimates, the estimated total pay for a United Nations Secretary-General is $242,703 per year, including bonuses, commission etc. This is far more than salary of secretary of state!

Therefore, it neither lacs resources nor money. It, lacs will perhaps and many times seems helpless to world at large.
Israel is helping the UN cleaning up the terrorist terror menace

Come to think of it, Israel is doing a cleanup job on behalf of the world which has yet not been able to find a solution to this problem despite conferences, seminars and human rights Hullabaloo.

As a common man one feels UN has done precious little to even move an inch towards a solution. They cry they don’t have teeth- but when someone with teeth- Israel- wants to sort out the problem you want to take out his teeth. Your members want to put sanctions on Israel- are they out of their mind? Remember Hamas refused point blank from the day they came to power to listen to UN and showed the world two fingers.

As I write this piece there is breaking news that long time designated terrorist a wanted man Yahya Sinwar leader of Hamas and who planned Oct 7 attack has been killed by Israeli forces.

Reports from Gaza indicated the other two killed were Sinwar’s bodyguards, one of whom worked as a teacher for UNRWA and the other a high-ranking official in Hamas’ National Security Office.

Therefore, Hamas is not only committing crime against its own people but also using the UN to its advantage. And UN is giving a carrot to Hamas (humanitarian aid) and using a stick against Israel which is fighting for its survival.
The clear and present danger- Iran

Israel has been trying its level best to thwart or at least degrade/delay the nuclear program of Iran.

I am sure the whole world is threatened with this clear danger that stares at us. It is not a shot gun or a dangerous toy but a very dangerous weapon if gotten by a rogue unpredictable state can create instability for the whole world which would from that moment will be on the edge forever.

While a great collation of 28 sane nations joined America to attack basis a narrative that Saddam had a bomb which he never had it is surprising why UN is acting as an obstacle to a tiny nation which is out to destroy their nuke program and also finishing or obliterating big terrorist organizations.

UN should be happy that as your proxy it is cleaning up a huge accumulated garbage of several decades free of cost for you. You would be killing several birds without a stone!

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this is the time and hour of the century which you must not lose. Hit now once for all to save the world of this constant threat.

“There is a tide in the affairs of men Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat; And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures.” – William Shakespeare

Virender Kapoor

A thinker, educationist and an inspirational guru. Kapoor is an Indian who wears many hats. An educationist of repute, he was the Director of a prestigious management Institute under the Symbiosis umbrella. He has emerged as a leading think tank in human behavior, motivation and success. As a celebrity author, his name appears with the likes of Thomas Friedman and Dale Carnegie. He has authored more than 30 books as of now which are on Amazon worldwide and several of his books are in the pipeline.