A Path Towards the Nation's Progress: Inclusive Employment Initiatives for PwDs

NewsBharati    20-Sep-2023 12:34:30 PM
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-Aman Rajabali

In a country as diverse as India, progress is inherently tied to the empowerment and inclusion of every citizen, including Persons with Disabilities (PwD). Creating avenues for meaningful employment for PwD is not just a moral obligation but a strategic step towards harnessing the untapped potential of a significant portion of our population.

The Current Scenario

As of 2021, statistics reveal that India is home to over 26 million Persons With Disabilities, constituting nearly 2.2% of the total population. However, their representation in the workforce is disproportionately low. According to the latest reports, the employment rate among PwD stands at a mere 0.1%, reflecting a significant gap in inclusivity.
Source: Forbes India Article

How Employers Can Ensure Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities and Maximise Potential?

The path to inclusive employment requires collective efforts in awareness, policy change, and targeted initiatives. Public and private companies have a pivotal role in driving this change. By adopting inclusive hiring practices, offering reasonable accommodations, promoting accessible work environments, flexible arrangements, and targeted training, they can tap into a vast talent pool that brings diversity of thought and innovation. Education institutions can play their part by focusing on skill development that aligns with market needs.

Below are several key aspects outlining how employers can guarantee inclusivity for individuals with disabilities:

1. Accessible Workplace Design

• Ensure physical infrastructure is accessible, including ramps, elevators, and accessible washrooms.
• Provide ergonomic furniture and design workspaces to accommodate different disabilities.

2. Inclusive Hiring Policies

• Create diverse and inclusive job descriptions focusing on skills and abilities rather than specific physical requirements.
• Consider remote work options or flexible schedules to accommodate various needs.

3. Equal Opportunities

• Offer training and skill development opportunities to employees with disabilities to help them grow within the organization.
• Avoid discrimination and ensure equal access to promotions and advancements.

4. Reasonable Accommodations

• Provide necessary accommodations such as assistive technology, screen readers, or sign language interpreters.
• Engage in open communication to identify and provide the required support.

5. Sensitivity Training

• Conduct regular employee training to raise awareness about disabilities, foster understanding, and promote a respectful work environment.

6. Mentoring and Support

• Assign mentors or buddies to assist employees with disabilities in their integration into the workplace.
• Create support groups or forums for employees to share experiences and solutions.

7. Accessible Communication

• Ensure all communication, including emails and documents, is accessible in various formats such as braille, large print, or electronic formats.

8. Adaptive Technology

• Invest in adaptive technology that aids employees with disabilities to perform their tasks effectively.

9. Anti-Bullying Policies

• Implement policies that prohibit any form of harassment or bullying and take immediate action if such incidents occur.

10. Feedback and Inclusion Surveys

• Regularly seek feedback from employees with disabilities on their experiences and challenges.
• Use the feedback to improve the workplace and foster a more inclusive environment.

11. Celebrating Diversity

• Celebrate disability-related awareness days to promote understanding and create a supportive culture.

12. Leadership Commitment

• Encourage top management to participate in inclusion efforts and lead by example actively.
What are the Government Initiatives?

The Indian government's "Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan" (Accessible India Campaign) and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act aim to provide equal opportunities, protection of rights, and full participation for PwD. Additionally, the "Divyangjan" term, which translates to "divine body," signifies a shift in perspective, recognizing abilities over disabilities.

Several Indian organizations are already leading the way in promoting inclusivity. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Wipro are amongst those actively hiring PwD, with TCS employing over 12,000 PwD across various roles. Initiatives like "Enable India" have been working relentlessly to bridge the gap by providing skill development and employment opportunities to PwD.

Here's a list of other companies that support PwD job opportunities:

• Miracle - Couriers Run by hearing speech impaired people.

• Mphasis - 350 PwD employees; Winner of Shell Helen Keller Award

• Vindhya E Infomedia 95 percent staff are PwD.

• Revive Enterprise Hires only visually impaired people.

• Lemon Tree Hotels 400 disabled employees, i.e. 13 percent of their total workforce. It intends to boost its headcount of PwD employees to 2,000 over the next three years.

• Titan Industries 4 percent of the workforce at PwD

• ITC hotels 292 PwD employees spread across all core functions like finance, human resources, marketing, housekeeping and reservations.

• And many others…

Source: Aspirecircle.org as of 2022.

National HRD Network, Pune Chapter’s Initiative ‘SAMAAVESHAN 2023’ to Promote PwD Inclusivity in the Workforce

We extend a warm invitation to your organization to take part in the Virtual Job Drive for Differently Abled Individuals, an integral component of the DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging) initiatives of the Pune Chapter.

This virtual job drive presents a remarkable opportunity for your organization to connect with and recruit talented individuals from the differently abled community. These candidates are enthusiastic about showcasing their skills and experiences, engaging with your recruitment teams, and exploring job prospects across various industries.
In our endeavour to make a substantial impact, we have also established collaborations with several Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) specializing in differently abled support to amplify outreach and effectiveness.

Our Key Objectives:

• To bridge the gap in employment opportunities for differently-abled individuals across India.

• To champion diversity and inclusivity in the workforce.

• To provide a platform for organizations to engage with exceptionally talented differently abled individuals.

For further information and inquiries, please contact our DEIB Initiatives Lead, Prachi at nhrdpune@gmail.com.
We eagerly seek your active participation and support in making a lasting difference in the lives of differently abled individuals.

Please also mark your calendars for the significant date of October 7th, 2023, to attend our national flagship DEIB Summit, Samaaveshan 23.

Let's walk together on this path of progress, ensuring that every step forward is taken together, inclusively.