Kolhapur: Waqf now claims properties worth Rs 3500 cr of Mohamedan Education Society founded by Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj

06 Jul 2023 12:25:48
The Mohamedan Education Society of Kolhapur and the assets it owned, worth Rs. 3,500 crores, have been taken over by the State Waqf Board. The said society was established by Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj in the year 1906 and is also known as ‘The King Edward Mohamedan Education Society’ or the ‘Muslim Boarding’.
On June 23, the waqf board sent directives to the trustee of the organization, stating that after carefully examining the paperwork, it had determined that the institution was a waqf institution and that its assets belonged to the waqf. However, the Mohamedan Education Society’s officeholders assert that the organization is not governed by the waqf board.
According to the Times of India report, Waqf properties are essentially donated properties used for a variety of purposes. The Muslim Boarding has also received a registration certificate and registration number from the Waqf board. The organization had previously been authorized by the state charity commissioner.
“I was convinced of the documentary evidence submitted before me that showed that the properties under the Mohamedan Education Society are actually waqf properties, and they need to be governed as per the Waqf Act,1995. The evidence also includes the charters (sanads) issued by Shahu Maharaj. The strict restrictions on the sale and purchase of waqf properties are imposed by law,” Waqf’s chief executive officer M B Tashildar was quoted as saying.
The charters (sanads) that Shahu Maharaj issued are also included in the proof. The law imposes severe limitations on the sale and acquisition of waqf properties.
A committee overseen by a chairman conducts daily business for the Muslim Boarding. Activities related to religion and education are under the institution’s supervision. The authorities claim that these institutions are reluctant to register with the Waqf board because of its stringent rules.
The Waqf board has also sent a letter to the trustees of the Muslim Boarding requesting a list of its members, financial records, and other information. It even notified the state charity commissioner’s office about the change in registration and asserted that it would now have ownership rights to the assets, the TOI report stated.
However, the Mohamedan Education Society’s officeholders assert that the organization is not governed by the waqf board. They also say that it should remain independent because Shahu Maharaj founded it with educational goals in mind.
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