HAL Dhruv Multirole chopper receives Critical European Certification (EASA)

NewsBharati    05-Jul-2023 17:39:39 PM
Total Views | 90
HAL Dhruv, India's indigenous helicopter, earned restricted type certification from the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in Belgium on July 4th. EASA has been in charge of aircraft certification in the EU and some European non-EU countries since 2003. This certificate certifies that the aircraft meets the European Union's safety standards.

hal dhruv 

Mr. Filip Cornelis, Director of Aviation at the Directorate-General Transport & Mobility, Mr. Luc Tytgat, Strategy & Safety Management Director at EASA, Mr. SK Mishra, JS MoCA, and Mr. Vikram Dev Dutt, DGCA were among those present to receive the prestigious certification.
The HAL Dhruv helicopter has been widely recognized for its versatility and performance in various operational roles. The helicopter has proven its worth in diverse missions, including search and rescue, transportation, disaster relief, and military operations. With the EASA certification, HAL Dhruv can now be considered for operations within the European Union and other countries that recognize EASA certifications.

EASA Certification process

hal dhruv
Before a newly developed aircraft model may enter operation in Europe, it must obtain a type certificate from the EASA. It is a 4-step process:

1. The aircraft manufacturer presents the project to EASA when it is considered to have reached a sufficient degree of maturity. The EASA certification team and the set of rules that will apply for the certification of this specific aircraft type are being established (Certification Basis).

2. EASA and the manufacturer need to define and agree on the means to demonstrate compliance of the aircraft type with each requirement of the Certification Basis. This goes hand in hand with the identification of EASA’s “level of involvement” during the certification process.

3. The aircraft manufacturer must demonstrate compliance of its product with regulatory requirements: the structure, engines, control systems, electrical systems and flight performance are analysed against the Certification Basis. This compliance demonstration is done by analysis during ground & flight testing. EASA experts perform a detailed examination of this compliance demonstration, by means of document reviews in their offices in Cologne and by attending some of these compliance demonstrations (test witnessing).

This is the longest phase of the type-certification process. In the case of large aircraft, the period to complete the compliance demonstration is set at five years and may be extended, if necessary.

4. The last step is technical closure and issue of approval. If technically satisfied with the compliance demonstration by the manufacturer, EASA closes the investigation and issues the certificate.

The EASA certification earned by HAL for ALH Dhruv establishes that HAL is capable of designing helicopter platforms meeting stringent European certification requirements.