Is another exodus waiting for Hindus? IUML Islamists raise anti-Hindu slogans "We will hang you in front of temple" in Kerala

NewsBharati    26-Jul-2023 12:36:11 PM
Total Views | 457
Remember 90's Kashmir when, the Kashmir valley's soul was shaken up by the blood-curdling slogans like Raliv, Galiv Ya Chaliv, Yahan kya chalega- Nizam E Mustafa, that were being raised through every mosque all night, creating an eerie environment that forced Kashmiri Pandit to leave Kashmir. It was a time of chaos and madness.
Kerala IUML
The same scenario was experienced in the Communist party-led Kerala state, where the Islamist Youth wing of the Indian Union Muslim League, an ally of the Congress raised highly inflammatory anti-Hindu slogans during their rally and called for massacre against the Hindus.
They have raised slogans threatening to hang Hindus in front of Temples and burn them alive. The rally was organised in protest against the Manipur Riots. The spine-chilling video of the rally has gone viral on social media.
The slogans that they are chanting are translated as "Without even chanting Ram Naam or Ramayana, we will hang you in front of the garbhagriha of a temple and we will burn you guys alive". Some news channels are reporting that IUML's youth wing has accepted that this is a video from their rally.
This instance is a worrying indicator of the Congress and its allies targeting Hindu society. It should be noted that during his US visit, Rahul Gandhi declared that IUML is a completely 'secular' party. 
As this happened in Kerala and these bigots are from a 'privileged community', this will not harm the secular fabric of India. Does 'United Opposition's I.N.D.I.A. includes IUML - Inclusive? 
Following the conbtroversy, PK Feroze, General secy of Youth Muslim League says they have expelled the man who raised 'hate slogans' during Kerala rally. "We have ordered an enquiry committee, after that, we will take further actions," he adds
Earlier video
It should be reminded that earlier a video went viral in which a young boy can be heard chanting slogans purportedly against Hindus and Christians at a rally. In a video, a 7-year-old boy, perched on his father’s shoulder, can be seen asking Hindus and Christians to keep rice, flowers and camphor ready for their last rites.
The video was believed to be from a march organised by the banned Muslim group Popular Front of India (PFI) in Kerala’s Alappuzha. on Saturday.