#EmergencyAlert: Panic triggers as emergency alerts popped on mobile phones; Here's why everyone is receiving such wireless notifications

20 Jul 2023 12:22:29
In a surprising turn of events this morning, an unprecedented wave of emergency alert notifications flooded the mobile phones of users across India today.
The messages, labeled as “Emergency Alert: Severe. This is a test alert from the Department of Telecommunication, Government of India. July 20, 2023,” arrived without prior notice or explanation. The sudden influx of these messages left mobile users bewildered, with many wondering about the purpose and significance of such notifications.
The Government has started wireless signals to tackle emergencies and alert the citizens. These mock emergency alerts serve as crucial practice exercises to ensure the effective dissemination of vital information to citizens during times of actual crisis.
These notifications are critical to know any emergency around you, like flood, landslide, etc. Once the notification toggle is on, one can receive ‘Test Alerts.’ The test alerts are going on for the readiness checks.

 There is nothing to be worried about; instead, switch the wireless notification alert on mobile phones to get updates from the Government about any disaster.
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