Pune, July 13: With an aim to promote “Shree Anna” and to tap the potential of Millet products in Maharashtra, the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) in association with All India Food Processors' Association (AIFPA) organised “Pune Millets Mela” at SNDT Women's University, Pune, Maharashtra on Wednesday.
This event was also supported by the Government of Maharashtra, AFSTI (Pune Chapter), CASMB & NAFARI.
The “Pune Millets Mela” was inaugurated by Anita Praveen (IAS), Secretary, Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Govt. of India along with senior state officials including, Sunil Chavan, IAS, Agriculture Commissioner, Govt. of Maharashtra; Deepak Taware, IAS, Chairman & Managing Director, Maharashtra State Warehousing Corporation, Prof. Ujwala Chakradeo, Vice Chancellor, SNDT Women’s University and Dr. Raghav Jadli, President, AIFPA.
IAS Anita Praveen, spoke about two discussions that took place at the event including the promotion of millet products and Industries interaction in which World Food Tour 2023 was discussed.
Dr Raghav Jadli showered praises on Pune Millets Mela and discussed World Food India 2023.
Sachin Deore, Principal of SNDT College of Home Science, Pune, speaks about the Pune Millets Mela and SNDT College association with the event.
The Government of India attaches high priority to the food processing sector, an important pillar of the ‘Make in India’ initiative. This sector has grown rapidly with an average annual growth rate of 8.83% in the last five years and is expected to reach USD 535 billion by FY26. Some of the recent initiatives taken MoFPI for the Food Processing sector include permitting 100% FDI, Income tax deductions for eligible units, agri-processing included in priority sector lending - loans.
Millet is an ancient grain that people have consumed (and consuming in many parts). Millets are also utilised as feed for livestock. Millet is a good source of protein, fiber, key vitamins, and minerals. The potential health benefits of millet include protecting cardiovascular health, preventing the onset of diabetes, helping people achieve and maintain a healthy weight and managing inflammation in the gut.
The objective of this event was to create awareness and encourage processing, value addition, entrepreneurship and consumption of Millets & Millet products. The Conference will provide a platform for stakeholders in the Food Processing Sector, Technologists, Scientists, Farmers, Industry, Exporters and Policy Makers to deliberate upon the opportunities and challenges involved in promoting millet as a super food to ensure nutrition and promote India’s participation in the global trade in the agri-food sector.