Midhani secures contract to supply Kanchan armour modules to 118 Arjun MK1A tanks

21 Jun 2023 15:03:45
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI), a well-known defence and metallurgical company in India, has recently secured a Contract to supply Kanchan Armour Modules for AVANI's procurement of 118 Arjun MK1A Main Battle Tanks (MBT).
midhani arjun tanks 

Kanchan is a special composite material that was created by the Defence Metallurgical scientific Laboratory (DMRL), a renowned scientific facility in India. This composite material was created primarily to up-armor the current Vijayanta tanks as well as the MBT Arjun. Kanchan's performance got significant praise throughout prolonged shooting testing where a variety of anti-tank ammunition of extraordinary severity was used.

Kanchan is a top-tier armour that offers combat vehicles excellent protection. It has been extensively used as the primary armour for Arjun Mark-I tanks in the pre-production series as well as for up-armoring Vijayanta tanks. The material's supremacy in offering combat vehicles multi-layered protection has been demonstrated by its excellent performance and dependability.

India's armoured forces have undergone a considerable transformation as a result of the recent order for 118 brand-new Arjun Mk-1A combat tanks. The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) created these cutting-edge tanks, which outperform more traditional tanks in terms of firepower, all-terrain mobility, and protection.

The government's Heavy Vehicles Factory in Chennai will manufacture these tanks, and the order is worth Rs 7,523 crore.
In comparison to the preceding Mk-1 model, the new Main Battle Tank MK1A type contains 72 new features, according to the government, with a stronger emphasis on indigenous technologies. This demonstrates India's dedication to defence industrial independence and the support of homegrown innovations in the industry.
Source - idrw.org 
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