Odisha: How Love Jihad, Cow Smuggling & Connections with Ruling Party BJD Exposes the Ugly Side of Crimes Against Women?

02 Jun 2023 18:00:05
In what may be called the Kerala Story of Odisha, a 27-year-old Hindu woman has fallen victim to Love jihad creating a political storm in Odisha sparking heavy protests from Hindu organizations across the capital Bhubaneswar.

The Hindu woman who was studying Commerce in a local college in Khordha recently lodged a written complaint with Khordha Model Police station alleging that a Muslim youth brainwashed her into converting to Islam with the false promise of marriage after keeping a physical relationship of eight years hiding behind a false Hindu name of Pappu.
love Jihad in odisha 

In her FIR, the complainant narrated how the accused Muslim man allegedly developed a love relationship with her with false identity, put pressure on her to convert to Islam, kept physical relation with her and threatened to murder her & her brother to death by chopping her into pieces as well as giving threats of using bomb to murder her entire family if she denies to convert to ISLAM & eat cow meat.

love Jihad in odisha 
The girl alleged that the accused-maintained affairs with multiple girls and is set to marry another girl. Based on the complaint of the girl, the accused has been arrested by the police.

Khordha Model Police showing Leniency to Muslim accused Aleemuddin Shah because of BJD Begunia MLA?

The Victim Hindu girl has alleged that there is a threat to her life as the accused has strong political links in the state.
In a interview to various news agencies, the Hindu girl has alleged there is pressure put on her because Aleemuddin has strong links Politically with ruling BJD party.

Media coverage by Odia Media agency Argusnews.in, has also confirmed the accused Aleemuddin is a Close confidante of BJD Begunia MLA Rajendra Sahoo who has even accepted of having close “family like” relationship with the accused in a event & his day never ends happily if he doesn’t have conversation of 1-2 hours with the accused Aleemuddin.

The biggest shocking factor is the leniency shown by Khordha Model Police while putting charges against Aleemuddin.

love Jihad in odisha

Even after a detailed complaint by the victim, on how the accused put pressure on her to convert her to Islam, tried to brainwash her & tried every trick in the book to force feed her cow meat, Khordha Model Police station IIC has Put basic sections of IPC ie.,376(2)(n) & 506 IPC & has shun away from putting stringent sections like 295A, 298, Section 3 of “Odisha Freedom of Religion Act 1967”.

It has been alleged openly by advocate Babu Dash of the Lovejihad Victim in media debate of Argus news that police is being pressured by the BJD MLA not to put the sections of 295A IPC & Odisha Freedom of Religion Act & BJD is in process of turning Aleemuddin into another Atique Ahmed of Odisha by appeasing people who commit crimes like Lovejihad.

“Will Murder you,your brother as well as your family with a Bomb , will marry another girl if you don’t eat Cow meat”


The victim hindu girl has openly alleged in media that the muslim man Aleemuddin Shah is issuing threats to murder her entire family by using a bomb, & throw acid on her & murder her by crushing her using a truck.
The accused even issued threats to murdering her brother by chopping him to pieces & would marry another girl If she doesn’t consume cow meat & change her religion to Islam.

Accused Aleemuddin Shah, a history sheeter & Cow smuggler.

The accused Aleemuddin Shah is a known history sheeter & is known to do “HAFTA WASOOLI” or Forcibly Collects money from Industrialists as “Protection money” like a gangster does as per Victim’s advocate Babu Das.

Apart from this, the accused Muslim man Aleemuddin Shah is a known cow smuggler who helps in Piloting & Passage of illegal Cow smuggling Trucks & vehicles to Kolkata as per an exclusive audio between the accused & the victim accessed by Argusnews, 3 times a week and often goes to West Bengal to oversee the cow smuggling racket.

Poor Law & order in Odisha exposes BJD Govt failure in protecting Women.

The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) released the ‘Crime in India’ report for the year 2017 showed a shocking increase of 16% in crimes against women.

The rate of crimes against women was the highest in Assam, at 143.6, followed by Delhi (133.3), Telangana (94.7), and Odisha (94.5).

Civil society of Odisha has raised alarm seeing such Islamic appeasement by ruling BJD govt & has termed it “Unfortunate”.

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