NB Viewpoint | Uniform Civil Code is nothing but a deliberate attempt to...: Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind chief Arshad Madani

19 Jun 2023 17:01:22

"The demand for a UCC is nothing but a deliberate attempt to curtail the religious freedom of citizens. Hence, Jamiat has been opposing this effort from day one as it feels that the demand for a UCC is part of an attempt to destroy the religious freedom of the citizens and the original spirit of the Constitution" - Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind chief Arshad Madani

New Delhi, June 19: Muslim organisation Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind chief Arshad Madani on Monday claimed that the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is against the religious freedom guaranteed under the Constitution but said it will not take to the streets to protest against it and instead would oppose it by taking all possible steps within the ambit of law.

Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind chief Arshad Madani Uniform Civil Code
The statement by the Muslim organisation chief comes days after the Law Commission initiated a fresh consultation process on the Uniform Civil Code by seeking views from stakeholders, including public and recognised religious organisations, on the politically sensitive issue.

In a statement, the Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind said it opposes the UCC as it is "totally against the religious freedom and fundamental rights guaranteed to the citizens in Articles 25 and 26 of the Constitution."

"Our Constitution is a secular Constitution, in which every citizen has been given full religious freedom, and every person has been also given the right to choose the religion of his choice, because there is no official religion for the Indian state, and it gives complete freedom to all its citizens," the Jamiat said.

A resolution opposing the UCC was also passed by the executive committee of the Jamiat (Arshad Madani faction) at its executive meeting Sunday. The demand for a UCC is nothing but a deliberate attempt to curtail the religious freedom of citizens. Hence, Jamiat has been opposing this effort from day one as it feels that the demand for a UCC is part of an attempt to destroy the religious freedom of the citizens and the original spirit of the Constitution, he claimed.

"The UCC is against the fundamental rights given in the Constitution, it is unacceptable to Muslims, and detrimental to the unity and integrity of the country," he said.

While expressing his views on the resolution passed, Jamiat president Maulana Arshad Madani said this matter pertains not only to Muslims but to all Indians. Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind cannot compromise on religious affairs and worship in any way, he said. "We will not protest on the streets but will take all possible steps within the ambit of law (to oppose the UCC)," he said.

Also Read: 'It’s irrelevant': Muslim personal law board passes resolution against UCC

In a pluralistic society like India, where followers of different religions have been living in peace and unity following the teachings of their respective religions for centuries, the idea of imposing a UCC is not only surprising but it also seems that Article 44 of the Constitution is being used keeping a particular sect in mind to mislead the majority, the Jamiat said.

"It is being said that this is written in the Constitution, although the second sarsanghchalak (chief) of the RSS Guru Golwalkar, himself said that 'Uniform Civil Code is unnatural to India and against its diversity'. Moreover, while the UCC has been mentioned in the directive principles, the fundamental rights of citizens have been guaranteed in the Constitution," it said.
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