NB Explains | India Pitches ‘LCH Prachand’ To Argentina

NewsBharati    16-Jun-2023 15:22:04 PM
Total Views | 167
A team of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) are in Argentina to pitch for a prospective sale of LCH ‘Prachand’ Light combat Choppers & LCA TEJAS, India’s Indigenous Light Combat Aircraft.

LCH Prachand Takes off with its full weapons load (Pic copyright : Deb Rana) 
The team comprising the Indian Ambassador to Argentina, Dinesh Bhatia, and officials of HAL met the FAA Chief Brigadier General Xavier Isaac. It remains to be seen if IAF will clinch its “breakthrough” deal. The LCH is India’s first indigenous multi-role combat helicopter with potent ground attack and aerial combat capability. It has been customized as per the Indian armed forces’ requirement to operate in deserts and mountains. It is the only helicopter operating at 5,000 meters with a considerable load of weapons and fuel.

The Indian defence system began developing a lighter, stealthier, and more manoeuvrable attack helicopter after its Russian Mi-25 and Mi-35 proved unsuccessful during the Kargil Conflict against Pakistan in 1999.

Though, nothing definite can be mentioned at this time because the negotiations are still in progress. Argentina is still home to the Indian team. However, during the Aero-India air show in 2023, the Argentinians expressed interest in the LCH, a HAL official revealed while seeking condition of anonymity.

The helicopter can even operate at the Siachen Glacier, the world's highest battleground, thanks to its maximum speed of 288 mph, combat radius of 500 km, and service ceiling of 21,000 feet.

The co-pilot and pilot, also referred to as the Weapon Systems Operator (WSO), are shielded by armoured panels and seated down & one level up in a glass cockpit.

‘Why must Argentina select LCH Prachand?’

LCH ‘Prachand’ with Digital Camouflage Pattern (Pic copyright: Andras Kisgergely for Airliners.net )
The LCH's sleeker design, made possible by the tandem cockpit layout, gives it a better chance of surviving hostile enemy action.
The LCH has superior infrared & acoustic signature management making it less prone to enemy detection and more survivable to heat-seeking MANPADS. The radar cross section (RCS) of the LCH Prachand is also lower than many attack choppers currently being operated.

LCH is Light weight & is agile than many attack choppers currently in market.

The LCH is armoured and has a crash resistant tricycle landing gear which minimizes the chances of pilot fatalities in the case of a crash.

The fuel tank of the LCH is self-sealing, which eliminates the chances of fuel leaking or ignition in case of penetration by a projectile.

LCH is the first Indian helicopter to sport a digital camouflage pattern which combined with its sleek fuselage profile makes it difficult to spot using electro-optical systems by its enemies.