Princely States in India, Size, population, and Wealth

There were over 500 princely states in India at the time of independence in 1947.

NewsBharati    15-May-2023 15:59:21 PM
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A princely state was a nominally sovereign entity of the British Indian Empire that was not directly governed by the British, but rather by an Indian ruler under a form of indirect rule, subject to a subsidiary alliance and the suzerainty or paramountcy of the British crown.

Pricely States 
There were over 500 princely states in India at the time of independence in 1947. They varied greatly in size and population, from the vast and populous state of Hyderabad to the tiny principality of Bhawalpur. The princely states were located all over India, but they were concentrated in the north and west of the country.
The princely states were ruled by a variety of different rulers, including maharajas, nawabs, and rajas. They were all hereditary rulers and their positions were legitimized by the British. The princely states were allowed to maintain their own armies, judiciaries, and currencies. However, they were also subject to the British government in matters of foreign policy and defense.
The princely states played an important role in the history of India. They were a source of stability and continuity during the British Raj, and they played a key role in the independence movement. After independence, the princely states were merged into the new nation of India. It is important to note that these figures are estimates, and the actual revenue of each state may have varied slightly. Additionally, it is worth noting that the revenue of a princely state was not necessarily a good indicator of its wealth or power. For example, the state of Hyderabad was the largest and most populous princely state in India, but it was not necessarily the wealthiest. The state of Baroda, on the other hand, was much smaller than Hyderabad, but it was one of the wealthiest princely states in India.
The princely states played an important role in the history of India. They were a source of stability and continuity during the British Raj, and they played a key role in the independence movement. After independence, the princely states were merged into the new nation of India.
Rank State Revenue (in lakhs of rupees)
1 Hyderabad 11,800
2 Mysore 6,300
3 Baroda 5,400
4 Jammu and Kashmir 4,800
5 Indore 4,000
Rank State Population (in millions)
1 Hyderabad 16.34
2 Mysore 7.33
3 Baroda 2.13
4 Gwalior 4.01
5 Travancore 3.13
Rank State Area (in square kilometers)
1 Hyderabad 212,000
2 Mysore 191,950
3 Jammu and Kashmir 222,236
4 Baroda 181,390
5 Indore 21,000

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