Chennai, March 16: Inciting violence against Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the so-called human rights activist & founder of the May 17 moment, Thirumurugan Gandhi, said that the people's army should fight RSS until the RSS’s headquarters in Nagpur is removed and the heads of those leaders are severed.
He said, “It is a basic question to ask why we should protest against the violence in Tripura while we are in Tamil Nadu. Because violence in Tripura is a warning to us. They (BJP) have demonstrated the type of violence they will unleash if they are on the verge of defeat. Fascist forces cannot exist without authority. Therefore when they are on the verge of losing authority, they will resort to violence in order to reclaim it. This is what has happened in Tripura.”
He added, “The violence was not confined to few places. Instead, violence was unleashed in hundreds of places where precision attacks were done. Victims of the violence are Congress party members and Marxist Communist comrades. Comrades have been subjected to brutality by the BJP because they are their ideological rivals. Only because of this they destroyed the Lenin statue as soon as they took power in 2018. This has never happened in any other parts of India.”
He stated, “Members of the Tamil Nadu BJP claimed that once they are in power in Tamil Nadu, the Periyar statue will be demolished in the same manner as the Lenin statue was. The violence that broke out in Tripura was distinct from the violence that occurred in Gujarat and other BJP states where religious minorities were attacked. In Tripura, they attacked the ideological opponents. This violence of BJP gives us a message. The message is that if a situation arises that they will lose 2024 elections, they will unleash Tripura kind of violence through out India.”
He further added, “It is not BJP, but RSS, that has the structure to unleash the violence that we saw in Tripura. It takes an organized structure to unleash a planned violence. It is RSS that has this structure. It is RSS that has planned this statewide violence in Tripura. They used Tripura as a training ground to develop their capacity to use terror throughout India. By holding RSS Shakas all over India, they are building a force resembling a military force.”
Inciting violence he said, “All political and non political organizations should unite for 2024 elections and face them at the place where they have to be faced. We should face them in a manner they understand. We are uniting all organizations through out Tamil Nadu. We should build a people’s army to confront them (RSS) on streets if they unleash violence in Tamil Nadu like they did in Coimbatore.”
He added, “Even if the Tamil Nadu police do not back us, our People’s Army should fight against the RSS on the streets. We will have a clear objective when we hold rallies, but what is the intention of RSS to conduct rallies through out Tamil Nadu. They do not have any objectives for the rally, but their only intention is to show that they have grown in this land.”