Extract of book “Snakes in the Ganga: Breaking India 2.0 -by Rajiv Malhotra and Vijaya Viswanathan” Part 3

15 Mar 2023 17:59:50
The book 'Snakes in the Ganga: Breaking India 2.0' by Rajiv Malhotra and Vijaya Viswanathan, discusses that Breaking India 2.0 which is far more serious in its insidiousness, influence, funding, and resources, and its impact on the Indian civilization as a whole.
On 21st February 2023, the Seattle City Council passed the resolution establishing caste as the protected category under its non-discrimination policy. The resolution was moved by Kshama Sawant, an Indian-American socialist, which was passed by six to one vote. There are seven more cities in the US, which are on the verge of doing the same.

Snakes in the Ganga: Breaking India 2.0 
Hindu American Foundation (HAF), an advocacy group for Hindus, said that caste discrimination is wrong, violating core Hindu principles of the divine oneness of all beings but singling out of Hindus and South Asian communities in the resolution was problematic. Coalition of Hindus of North America (CoHNA) said, “This ordinance peddles bigotry and singles out the South Asian community by using racist, colonial tropes of “caste” and ensures that our community is subject to special scrutiny, thus denying our rights to freedom of religion and equal protection”.
How many Indians living in America identify themselves on the basis of caste? How many business organizations, educational institutions, etc. identify people on the basis of their caste? Have the American laws succeeded in combating and ending racism against the African-Americans? Remember, racism is the bigger issue in the country where the Blacks have not only been killed by their racial counterparts, but also by law enforcement officials. Was the American law not well equipped to handle caste-based discrimination? If yes, why did the Seattle city council pass the ordinance? Are there any anecdotal incidents of caste-based discrimination in the US? If yes, why are there reports suggesting that the council members couldn’t state one incident of such discrimination? Why was the only authoritative research and survey done by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, ignored whose findings said that caste-based discriminations are extremely rare, in contrast with the city council statements about rampant caste-based discrimination in the US?
Does this anti-caste discrimination ordinance also include South Asian (mainly Indian) Christians and Muslims among which the caste system exists? Note that there exists a caste hierarchy among Christians where Dalit Christians are discriminated against for being Dalit converts and the Muslims also have a caste hierarchy namely Ashraf/Sharif (high caste), Ajlafs (backward Muslims), and Arzals (Dalit Muslims).

Americanisation of Marxism

Americanisation of Marxism is a concept which adds races to the Marxist theory of economic classes. Germans who settled in America developed this theory. This is the seed of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and wokeism. Rajivji said Herbert Marques who came to California’s Berkley University developed the clash of races theory. He also pointed out that the CRT has been superimposed on India as the Critical Caste Theory (CCT).Superimposing foreign history on India gives rise to concepts like CCT that have no connection with Bharat’s reality. Propagators of this theory falsely equate Brahmins with whites and ‘Dalits’ with blacks. The main intention is to project oppression of ‘Dalits’ like those faced by blacks, even Muslims are presented as oppressed minorities.
Americanizing the social structure of another country is arrogance. Harvard is the breeding ground of anti-India propaganda. Harvard houses anti-nationals from India and it is now training people on governance as policymakers are attending courses in the university.
The authors show that Marxism is the foundational bedrock of this new discourse which takes the form of Critical Race Theory (CRT). Most people know Critical Race Theorys purpose is to combat American racism using race warfare. CRT is certainly important in that context. But Harvard scholars have mapped it upon Indian society, ancient history, and the modern nation-state. The book explains Critical Race theory and its origins at length and how CRT has morphed into Critical Caste Theory and Wokeism in India. Any disparity in any field is attributed to structural casteism that has been institutionalised and hence the foundations of these institutions need to be dismantled. Thus, Hinduism itself needs to be dismantled according to them. “It has unparalleled intellectual power to dismantle India.

Persons From The Cabal and the Conduit to India

The author spoke about two such persons from the cabal. Ajanta Subramaniam has written a book alleging that IITs are brahminical where ‘Dalits’ are oppressed. She says Brahmin supremacy is being exported when companies abroad employ them. She is being supported by the Harvard ecosystem.
Suraj Yengde is a fellow at Harvard Kennedy School who identifies as an Afro-Dalit. He wants ‘Dalits’ to identify as blacks. However, he has a flawed understanding of Buddhism, Hindu Dharma and Marxism. Suraj has weird ideas regarding caste and the Aryan invasion theory. He leaves no stone unturned to project all injustices against Blacks onto the Dalits of India. He has also written books that provide ammunition to the movement. His message is to blame Hinduism for all of the world’s social evils.This new interpretation of caste as racism is a major reason the entire social justice movement has started targeting Hinduism. The genesis of all oppression is attributed to India.

Indian Billionaires Sponsoring Anti-India Agenda

Indian billionaires are sponsoring anti-India agenda through their association with Harvard. Anand Mahindra’s Mahindra Humanities Centre, Laxmi Mittal’s South Asia Institute and Piramal’s Public Health centre were some of the examples.
American concepts are exported to Bharat, from institutes such as Ashoka University, TISS, and Azim Premji University among others. These institutions propagate the ideas and concepts incubated at Harvard.
What is dramatically new about this syndrome is that the Indians themselves are funding it. Moreover, these ideas have entered Indian government organizations and businesses. The book shows that Indian billionaires are getting this work done. They are bringing Indian scholars and Indian students to conferences and seminars and giving them grants and funding to brainwash them and teach them all these theories to dismantle the fundamental structures of India. These students and scholars are sent back to India and planted into a whole ecosystem which is being created. Harvard uses India's scholars, funding, and resources to train its new sepoy army of scholars that are Breaking India at an unprecedented scale.

Social Theory Behind Wokeism

Snakes in the Ganga explains the social theory behind Wokeisms worldview which is through the Marxist lens of oppressors and oppressed. Marxism believes that all society is intentionally structured by the oppressors to oppress victims, resulting in unequal outcomes favoring the oppressors. CRT uses race as the marker for group identities while ignoring the individual. This gets converted to caste as the marker in the Indian context. The solution it proposes is to dismantle existing structures and institutions. In Indias case, this leads to a global call to dismantle Hinduism and all the structures and institutions based on it.
The most important contribution of the book is the way it meticulously explains how Wokeism is mapped onto India. The diversity of India is a fertile ground to apply Critical Race Theory because every kind of difference can be attributed to structural and systematic oppression. Harvard is doing this research of transforming CRT into Critical Caste Theory and applying it to India.
What is most intriguing is how Critical Caste Theory is being used to attack Indian meritocracy by calling it a mask that hides privilege and structural oppression. Meritocracy is considered an outcome of Brahmanical patriarchy and thus produces unequal outcomes for certain groups. Harvard scholars are attacking meritocracy used in the IITs and consider it institutional and structural casteism. The other factors that affect outcomes like hard work and individual talent are totally ignored by these scholars. This is a direct attack on Indias institutions. Their solution is to dismantle the IITs in their current form.

Threat To Meritocracy And India’s Tech Sector

Harvard from setting up new institutions in India for infiltrating existing institutions, seems to be the big powerhouse behind many initiatives to brainwash a whole generation of Indians. This is the direct result of importing the Western model of social sciences.
Snakes in the Ganga reveals threats to India’s tech sector, which has been the pride of modern India. The book shows how America’s Critical Race Theory is being applied to India by modifying it to Critical Caste Theory by mapping caste onto the race. Its fundamental premise is that all upper caste Hindus are inherently bigots and the system and all institutions as a whole are deliberately designed to oppress the downtrodden.

Latest Import From The West: ESG (Environment, Social Justice And Governance)

A popular corporate movement called ESG (Environment, Social Justice and Governance) is the latest import from the West. Not many know that buried within the ‘S’ of the imported ESG is Critical Caste Theory.
The book points out how this has recently spread view that upper caste Hindus enjoy privileges concealed in the deepest structures of Indian society including business, education, politics, law, etc. Such structures cause unequal outcomes in all sectors of society.
This is a wrong accusation based on the diversity of outcomes that one sees in the world. They are also accused of carrying this caste privilege to America which ensures their success in their new homeland.
There is a huge buzz in corporate India promoting these new ESG mandates. But the criteria for rating individual companies on the ESG performance scale is controlled by American multinationals like Price water house Coopers, Deloitte, EY, McKinsey, and World Economic Forum, among others. The ‘S’ (Society) part of the evaluation is driven by Harvard University’s social theories.
The book compels us to ask: What will be the impact on India of these ESG mandates coming from the US? Will India’s tech industry fall apart trying to comply with the American mandates on ESG? Silicon Valley which has many Indian workers is already feeling the pressure: It is being pressured to carry out corporate censuses on the caste of Indian employees. The upper caste is being treated as Whites with the burden of proof upon them to show that they are not oppressors or casteists. Most Silicon Valley Indians are hence presumed guilty of oppression and required to confess their White guilt.
An entire industry emerging around ESG compliance is emerging, without any discussion on the broader consequences of such a rubric. Will the quota system enter the Indian corporate sector where the corporates will be forced to give employment on a quota basis in order to comply with the ESG mandates from their American headquarters or clients? The legal case against Cisco in Silicon Valley (accusing it of caste oppression) has brought about fear among many American corporates.
Once Silicon Valley normalizes the treatment of caste as a race, it will further accelerate the caste sensitivity training and workshops to ‘sensitize’ its workforce.
These policies have opened the door for an employee to blame any unfavorable decision on caste. And there are already moves by activists to bring these practices to India through their Indian affiliates. This will also affect Indian companies that perform work for American companies, and we could very well see such mandates imposed upon Indian service providers.
A city like Bangalore being the IT hub might face many complaints and legal cases in the corporate sector. This is a ticking time bomb for India and its IT sector which could be accused of social injustice by the snakes. Every Indian that works for the tech sector in India or abroad should be alarmed about this snowballing out of control. India’s success in the tech sector is at risk

The Positive After Effect

Authors Rajiv Malhotra and Vijaya Viswanathan have gone into the most intricate of details about new threats to India even as it tries to shake off the humiliation of its colonization and present itself as a new economic, political and cultural force with a rich tradition of liberalism. Malhotra and Viswanathan have stood up against an entire ecosystem that is bent on dismantling India.
There are so many aspects to the book that it is impossible to present it in three articles. You understand more aspects as you read on.
As an after-effect of Malhotra’s earlier book on, Breaking India many thoughtful Indians have been questioning the extent of our own colonized conditioning. They are challenging this mindset when they encounter it in our fellow Indians.
We only hope that this time, we will take challenges more seriously, and concrete on actions to counter it. As this book discusses Breaking India 2.0 is far more serious in its insidiousness, influence, funding, and resources, and its impact on the Indian civilization as a whole.
For many Indians studying in USA ,getting a job there thereafter and finally getting permanent resident ship of the USA is the ultimate American dream. We like to copy the way they dress, eat, entertain, work. Colonization has taken on a different hue at present, with open adulation of everything American.
This also means that we are opening up to American ideas, good or bad, which makes it easy for their social movements to get mirrored in India, even when they do not apply. The fact that these theories get spun in leading Ivy League universities like Harvard makes them all the more acceptable to many of us. And when there’s this huge, dedicated machinery consisting of people, networks, projects, and institutions that are dedicated to transferring these ideas to us, the danger increases many fold.


The book Snakes in the Ganga by Rajiv Malhotra and Vijaya Viswanathan is eliciting critical acclaim from various quarters.
Those who have read Malhotra’s Breaking India more than a decade ago, anticipate that the latest book will have a similar readership.
This is a very well researched and provocative book. It could upset some people simply because they are not used to seeing these widely acclaimed ideas and institutions in this light. But there is ample evidence cited, literally over a thousand end notes and several pages of bibliography. And it isn’t just a few individuals here and there that may be considered the dangerous snakes in this thesis, but a pretty large number. This is yet another wakeup call for India!
The book Breaking India was ahead of its time by over a decade. India did not prepare itself well, even though it was fairly warned. This time we hope the Snakes in the Ganga is taken seriously and the Ganga is cleaned up before it is too late for India. While the snakes have a well-developed ecosystem, the pro-Bharat activists aren’t coordinated. The book would help the pro-Bharat activists to articulate and put forward their views in a better manner.
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