Time To Ponder Upon: Needing financial support for education is no crime or weakness!

NewsBharati    07-Dec-2023 16:39:22 PM   
Total Views | 171
Many need some kind of financial help for education despite hard work by their parents, it falls short of the need. Several institutions and individuals especially help students in need of financial assistance. Many trusts work in this area, rather they invite applications and select the candidates following some norms. We see many people around us who feel they should help students to complete education which assures give foundation to life. Neither do they expect appreciation nor do they feel that people should feel indebted throughout their life. When one gets good education and it helps in creating good source of income,the trusts and individuals are satisfied seeing them being self reliant and earning self respect.
 financial support for education
Had an opportunity to interact with such institutions and some individuals, and one feature was found to be common. The institutions don't advertise their work and never disclose the recipient of the fund nor do individuals talk about their help. Both feel that the objective is achieved when the course for which the financial assistance was offered, is complete.
One of the engineering college teachers shared her experience when she realized that when one talented girl was unable to raise money for payment of fees, she talked to her grandmother about the plight of the girl. Both of them together paid her fees as she was an open category student. They were happy, but when the question came to her being in touch with the teacher, she could not answer. She accepted that she couldn't identify the reason for such a response.
Two institutions that take care of a big hostel too shared that once the students move out in the world,they never mention well-timed support of society and philanthropic individuals . Neither do they think that they too can contribute to such funds in some way possible. Such small contributions of many can help solve the problems of many. Is it not the beneficiary's social responsibility or gesture to accept that the financial assistance one receives certainly changed the quality of life?
Very rarely do individuals and trusts talk about the students they help.
This has another strange feature, seldom do beneficiaries talk about timely support. Some of the students join professional courses too and obtain good jobs or start an enterprise. Many of them don't want to talk about their difficult phase of life. They hardly go back to the benefactor, and express their feelings. Most of them seem to feel inferior talking about these things and try to conceal them.
One doesn't understand why should one feel ashamed of being unable to raise money for education. Nowadays education is sometimes very expensive, especially when it is a professional degree or vocational course. One should not be ashamed to be not so affluent,but if one takes unethical path to earn money,one should definitely feeling ashamed and trying to hide it is justified. Poverty is no crime. Not being ready to work hard is certainly a point to ponder. Why should one be apologetic when one has to take the help of someone?
Our culture always has many ways to make some kind of help available to the needy. As a child, my grandparents always talked about accommodating one person on one day every week for the meals. They used to be students. This convention would take care of their food. Seven families for one child, those families were not wealthy but would help at least one student. Some decades ago there were many successful people who received timely support from society and completed the course of their choice. They always mentioned this fact of help from people, and never shied away. This system worked without putting much pressure on one family probably for a long time.
Being grateful for the timely support should not cause an inferiority complex. Some institutions run hostels for students with very little charge. They raise funds to cover the expenses. Some philanthropic organizations and individuals help raise funds they certainly deserve some appreciation for donating in cash or kind.
Of course, a hostel cannot be a substitute for a home in spite of the better facilities provided, but they certainly deserve appreciation. The point is when such individuals or institutions provide the support,the beneficiary ought to recognise the role they play to reach one's destination.
Should one not think of helping such institutions to continue helping children in need? As one gets support, others in a similar situation deserve some assistance. The beneficiaries ought to think on this line, as our society has institutionalized this concept, and it plays a significant role in the growth of society. One should be proud that one belongs to a society where the institutions and individuals are not narrow-minded, they think beyond the limited goals. It should work as a chain so that no one would be deprived of the opportunity as per one's potential.
Somehow such help is not perceived in the right perspective sometimes. One has to proudly talk of any help that one gets, feeling indebted for such timely support is a healthy sign,rather one should resolve to make help available to some deserving person.
Of course there are few exceptions also,all do not just shrug it off, but the trend is too significant to ignore.
If the society provides opportunity to every deserving person and ultimately all contribute to social good.

Prof. Vidya Deshpande

Professor Vidya Deshpande has had a journey of more than four decades in the field of education. Her  main expertise is in the subject of Philosophy,  and she has worked as a teacher of philosophy and logic with Nowrosjee Wadia college for 36 years. She has been associated with the Janakalyan Blood bank for last for 38 years and has also carried out the responsibility as a management committee member of Karve Stree Shikshan Sanstha for 10 years. Her special fields of interest are Philosophy of social sciences, school education, development of skills for self reliance,  and top up skills to make students profession ready,