Yes-yes' to Palestines, 'No-no' to students mental Health! IIT Bombay cancels ISCKON talk show on mental stress to invite Hinduphobic Prof Achin Vanaik

IIT Bombay, the institute which has witnessed back-to-back suicidal incidents in the last few months, has reportedly cancelled ISKCON"s Gaurang Prabhu talk on "Overcoming Mental Stress" and rather invited Hamas supporters & Hinduphobic Professor Achin Vanaik, to talk on Israel- Palestine Conflict.

NewsBharati    06-Nov-2023 18:29:33 PM
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Days after OP Jindal Global University founded by the Congress leader, landed in controversy for organizing an 'Anti-Hindu' & 'Anti-Semitism' lecture by Prof Achin Vanaik supporting the terrorist Organization 'Hamas' on the campus, now taking inspiration from the Jindal University, IIT Bombay HSS Department also organized a similar event in the college.
IIT Bombay Prof Achin Vanaik
The information came to light after the Legal Rights Observatory raised its voice about it. As per the information, IIT Bombay extended support to Palestine in this ongoing conflict.
As per LRO, the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Bombay, had recently organized a screening of a vehemently anti-Israel documentary 'Arna's Children', camouflaging it as part of course content.
If that wasn't enough. Thanks to Woke Prof Anush Kapadia who preferred to middle-east's regional conflict over students' mental health. IIT Bombay, the institute which has witnessed back-to-back suicidal incidents in the last few months, has reportedly cancelled ISKCON's Gaurang Prabhu talk on 'Overcoming Mental Stress' and rather invited Hamas supporters & Hinduphobic Professor Achin Vanaik, to talk on Israel- Palestine Conflict.
As per the mail that is going viral on social media, the talk on the Israel- Palestine Conflict, will be held on 7 November. The abstract of the talk show will be, "What are the likely consequences of the recent and ongoing violence in Israel-Gaza? If we are to achieve a better and more humane future for the region, there is no escape from having to understand why and how things have come to such a pass."
Jindal College Incident
A controversy erupted over a lecture delivered at OP Jindal Global University in Sonipat, Haryana where the professor allegedly backed Hamas and made anti-Hindu remarks. Several video clips of the professor's lecture have surfaced on social media, purportedly showing him making several anti-Semitic and anti-Hindu comments, while showing solidarity with the Palestinian civilians in Gaza.
The university organised the event titled 'History and Politics of the Palestinian Present' on November 1. The lecture was delivered by Prof Achin Wanaik, a retired professor of International Relations and Former Head of the Department of Political Science at Delhi University.
"Hindutva is Anti-Muslim"
Portraying Muslims as victims, Professor Achin Vanaik said “Zionism is not anti-Muslim, it is anti-Palestinian, but it is happy to piggyback on current Islamophobia. Hindutva is fundamentally and foundationally anti-Muslim”.
"Hinduism is not among the oldest civilizations"
He also claimed that the assertion that "Hindus are original inhabitants of India" and "Hinduism is among the oldest civilisations" is wrong. The professor claimed that the “archaeological and scientific evidence shows that Vedic civilisations are much older than the emergence of Vedas by around 2000 years, so now you have to desperately talk about the Saraswati Valley Civilisation.”
Glorification of Suicide bombing 
In his yet another attempt the give a clean chit to the Islamic concept of Suicide bombing, he said ‘Understand one thing about suicide bombing, suicide bombing expresses above all the determination of not to kill so much as the determination to die.’
Educational institutions are centres to develop social consciousness. When such institutes contribute to the spread of an agenda, while neglecting such fundamental issues like students' mental health, it is natural to raise questions about the ideology that is dominating the education system and environment in India.