#HouseOfTheDragon or House Of The Woke?

29 Sep 2022 16:10:05
House of the Dragon, a prequel to the Game of Thrones is out. It has been more than half a season now in this new series. Other than some obvious woke displays of tokenism, there is also a very devious and malevolent angle of this new series, which originated in the Woke/Marxist/Totalitarian ideology, that is the complete lack of good.

After an almost universal revulsion towards the final season of Game of Thrones (GoT), House of the Dragons(HOTD) evoked mixed reactions from the old GoT fans. Some hoped that it would be like the first 4-5 seasons of Got, while some were already dreading that it'd be like the last season. Even after its release, it has evoked mixed responses. Some are feeling nostalgic, while some are criticizing the brutality and sheer evil in all the characters. Till episode 6 of HOTD, where we have jumped more than a decade, there hasn't been even a single good character. Initially, there was some hope in Ser Criston Cole's character. But now, even that has vanished. In the GoT, however, the Starks were undoubtedly good and the Lannisters were bad. Ned Stark was almost an epitome of a good character. Yes, they died one by one partly because of this goodness, but the viewers loved those heroic deaths, they mourned for those fictional characters, after Ned Stak’s beheading and the Red wedding. Because the Starks were good and pure. In HOTD, which is based on the dance of the dragons, there is no side which deserves, love, affection, or respect from the viewers. Neither the Rhaenyra’s nor the Alicent’s characters, who would be the protagonists, draw any such feelings. Both of them, especially by episode 6 has become pure evil. But this is not just about the criticism of the series. It's much deeper than that.
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The absolute lack of anything and anyone good is the classic Modus Operandi of the Woke/Marxist/Totalitarian ideology. This creates false equivalences and disaffection toward everyone. In a Woke/Marxist/Totalitarian system, the despot or the dictatorial regime can function only if there is a lack of trust among its citizens towards each other. Which justifies the despot or the dictator to keep the other in check. This system also requires a lack of an alternative that is good. It requires false equivalence to prove that everything is bad and everything is good. It requires the disinterest of the people towards politics. That gets generated due to this false equivalence. The West today, especially Hollywood and the intelligentsia, is totally under Woke control. This in turn creates a circle of referencing and authentication, which generates ideas like a post-truth world, Truth is a racist concept, denial of truth, and everything is propaganda. This series, HOTD, defines this narrative and culture. This creates a narrative that all the rulers always, fictional or real have been absolute evil. This is the same ideology which ruined Season 8 of GoT not just by forcefully making a woman protagonist by building up a man to be so, but also inserted the ultra-modern ideas of democracy at the end. It is the same ideology of Hollywood that created movies like Kingdom of heaven, where Saladin is portrayed as a benevolent leader opposing the Christian onslaught on the Muslim lands during the Crusades. It is the same ideology inherited by the Indian followers to create multiple movies, series, books, etc. depicting the Mughals including the Aurangzeb and other rulers of Delhi Sultanate before that or the Bahamani rulers in the south and the Tipu Sultan himself. This is also to create that same false equivalence of all the rulers irrespective of the religion being the same. And if all the rulers were either equally brutal or equally good, then how does it matter who rules? Because in the end, everyone is equally good or equally bad. This is what creates the absolutely stupid and borderline antinational questions like, were Akbar and Maharana Pratap both good rulers? Were Aurangzeb and Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj both benevolent rulers working for the good of their kingdoms? This is what creates so-called intellectuals like Audrey Truschke who not just support but glorify Aurangzeb.
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Movies, TV series, and OTT are the main weapons that the Woke/Marxist/Totalitarian ideology uses to influence society. It uses colleges and academic institutions to create warriors to wield those weapons. Series like GoT, and HOTD which have a huge fan base have a massive impact on social psychology. In order to have a world that is indeed post-truth, the left needs the masses to agree to that, all these series and movies help them in that direction. Because without the post-truth world, the Woke/Marxist/Totalitarian ideology can never succeed. This is why, House of the Dragons is in reality, House of the Wokes.
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