Shocking! Waqf Board declares a Hindu-majority village as WAQF property in Tamil Nadu

When Rajagopal, a resident of the nearby village Mullikarupur village arrived at the Registrar’s office to get the sale of his land registered, he was surprised to learn that the land did not belong to him and instead belonged to the Waqf Board.

NewsBharati    12-Sep-2022 12:04:15 PM
Total Views | 265
Thiruchenthurai , September 12: In a shocking development, Tamil Nadu's Waqf Board has declared the thousands of acres of land belonging to Hindus including 9th Century Temple land as WAQF property. 
As per the reports, Thiruchenthurai a village situated on the south bank of the Cauvery river in Tamil Nadu has been designated as a waqf property by the Tamil Nadu Waqf Board.
Tamil Nadu
The shocking development came to light after a villager tried to sell his land to other person. When Rajagopal, a resident of the nearby village Mullikarupur village arrived at the Registrar’s office to get the sale of his land registered, he was surprised to learn that the land did not belong to him and instead belonged to the Waqf Board.
“The Waqf Board owns the land on which you have come to register the deed. This contract cannot be registered, according to the Waqf Board’s directive,” Murali, the registrar, stated. “You should obtain a no-obligation certificate from the Waqf Board in Chennai,” he further added. “Why do I need to obtain a no-obligation certificate from the Waqf Board to sell my land which I purchased in 1992?” Rajagopal inquired in astonishment.
Showing a 250-page letter from Tamil Nadu Waqf Board to Rajagopal, the registrar said that any sale of land in Tiruchenthurai village requires a no-objection certificate from the Waqf Board in Chennai. “The Waqf Board has informed the Deeds Department by letter and documentation that the entire village is theirs. It has also been stated that individuals who come to register a deed for land in the village should obtain a certificate of no objection from them,” he elaborated.
When Rajagopal narrated the incident to the villagers, the entire villagers were shocked to learn that their land is not theirs. They wondered how Waqf Board can claim ownership of the entire village when the villagers have all the necessary land documents for their respective lands, both residential and agricultural.
When this subject was brought to the District Collector’s attention by the villagers, he stated that the matter will be investigated and action will be taken after that.