Agartala, Sept 10: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) announced Biplab Deb as the party's candidate for the upcoming Rajya Sabha bypolls from Tripura, the party announced on Friday (Sept 9). The announcement came hours after former Tripura CM Deb was made Haryana state in charge by BJP.
"Gratitude to PM Modi, BJP, JP Nadda, Amit Shah Ji for nominating me as a BJP candidate for Rajya Sabha MP from Tripura. I am committed to working for the development and welfare of Tripura and its people," Tweeted Deb. The Election Commission of India has announced the dates for the by-election for the Rajya Sabha seat vacated by Manik Saha.
The election will take place on Sept 22. Saha was elected to the Upper House in April this year and his term is a full system up to Apr 2028. The former CM's popularity had earlier helped BJP to clean sweep the northeastern state marking a thumping victory in 2018. The 2018 victory of BJP overtook the Left's rule of 25 years in Tripura.
Also read: Tripura state's by - election date for Rajya Sabha seat vacated by Manik Saha finalized
After taking oath as the 10th Chief Minister of Tripura on Mar 9, 2018, he stepped down from the state CM post on May 14 this year. He was then succeeded by Manik Saha who took oath as Tripura's Chief Minister on May 15. Within a few weeks of Manik Saha taking an oath to the Rajya Sabha, the party's top brass appointed him to take up the job of the Chief Minister of Tripura.