Ripples A Reflection On Dattopant Thengadi's Third Way Part - 43

02 Jul 2022 10:00:21
I have been reflecting in my own way on Dattopant Thengadi Ji's Third Way. I present these small "ripples" that it has caused in my mind in a series. I am glad it has found its resonance in many thinking minds alike. I hope the readers have read the earlier article in the series before moving ahead.
Also Read: Ripples A Reflection On Dattopant Thengadi's Third Way Part - 42
(Dharma Kshetra: Forward to the book 'Swadeshi View of Globalisation' by Daya Krishna, published in 1994)

Dattopant mentioned some of the important points stated in the thesis which he thinks, portray the real picture.
GATT never intended to help poor countries. The agreement aimed at increasing trade which obviously helped the multinational companies. The share of poor countries dwindled and rich countries escalated. As the result, the unemployment rate increased, fall in export was witnessed. Technology too was responsible for the gap between the rich and the poor countries. This lead to social unrest and crime in these countries.

Obviously, this book is to be read with an open mind. We need to look at our past achievements with a fair sense of judgment. Everything that is Hindu or Bharatiya is not to be condemned. Dattopant never had a rigid approach, he always maintained that whatever is useful to society would prevail, and the rest would just be forgotten. But his emphasis on Swadeshi never ignored the quality of work. It always is a scientific approach to dealing with various issues.

Dattopant cites the aspect of linguistic imperialism too in many of his writings and addresses. He could see that communism and capitalism would crumble under the weight of self contradictions. He refers to Peter Drucker ( An Austrian- American management consultant, his theory suggests that successful leaders should put people and ethics first, rather than focusing on profits, rigid rules, and work structure. His focus was also on providing an ethical work environment) and Samuelson ( an economist who won a Nobel prize, his theory concentrates on future consumption of goods and income distribution than limited resources, he focused on scientific analysis in economics). They could realize the limitations of the theories the western world upheld then. The search for the 'Third Way' was inevitable. Many Asian countries too were working to develop a model suitable for the nation. He repeatedly mentions that many could perceive the threat to their nation caused by free trade.

Dattopant always pointed out that multinational companies have strategies that help them. The nations where these companies work, have to guard their own interests. For developing economies even a small disturbance can turn into a serious crisis. The objectives of employment, productivity, and efficiency are to be achieved. The reforms have to be carefully introduced. These countries can not afford to be governed by a super-government. ( Economic imperialism) 
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