Delhi BJP to protest at Jantar Mantar against Udaipur Hindu man beheading

29 Jun 2022 14:00:19
New Delhi, Jun 29: BJP leaders said Wednesday they will stage a march at Jantar Mantar in Delhi to protest against the killing of a tailor in Rajasthan’s Udaipur.

BJP Delhi 
“We will gather at Jantar Mantar against the massacre in Udaipur and pay tribute to Kanhaiya Lal Ji and resolution march for the destruction of terror,” said BJP leader Kapil Mishra.
Delhi BJP spokesperson Tajinder Bagga said that he would also take part in it. Meanwhile, Deputy Commissioners of Police (DCPs) in all the 15 districts in Delhi have been asked to make elaborate security arrangements and to be on high alert. They have been asked to meet with the Aman committees of their concerned district to maintain peace and tranquillity. On Tuesday evening, the Special Commissioner of Police of the northern and southern zones asked DCPs to monitor all the PCR calls and make proper security arrangements in their area. Officers have also asked that police patrolling be increased and pickets be set up in their areas. Kanhaiya Lal was hacked to death on Tuesday inside his shop by two men allegedly for posting a social media statement in favor of suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma, who had made controversial remarks against Prophet Mohammad. Both the men have been apprehended from the state’s Rajsamand district.
Also Read: NIA to take over Udaipur beheading case 
In a video, the two identify themselves as Mohammad Riyaz and his friend, and boast about the “beheading”. They then purportedly issue “a warning” to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Authorities imposed prohibitory orders in Rajasthan for a month, and suspended internet services for 24 hours across the state, after the Lal’s murder.
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