Kochi, June 18: The Kerala government has issued a show-cause notice after allegations of a police officer blocking a section of a road in Kochi for his morning walk emerged. Local residents alleged that the road adjacent to the Queens Walkway was blocked for vehicular traffic when the cop came for his morning walk.
Assistant Commissioner Police Traffic West, Vinod Pillai, comes to have his morning walk in the Quees Walkway. The section of the road in question was supposed to remain closed for children to cycle and practice skating on Sundays from 6-7am in the morning. But the cop allegedly blocked the road on other days for his morning walks.
According to residents, for the past three days, they have had to face difficulties in their daily commutes as the road remained closed.
According to images shared on social media, children are being forced to board buses from the other side of the road, where traffic is also diverted. A red traffic barrier has been put up in the middle of the road, while another visual showed a school bus and a parent guiding children on the same side of the road.
Last month, athletes at Delhi's Thyagraj Stadium were asked to leave early as an IAS officer sought to walk his dog there. Following the row, Principal Secretary (Revenue) Sanjeev Khirwar and his wife Rinku Dugga, the two IAS officers were transferred out of Delhi to Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh, respectively.