Jammu Kashmir tops among UTs in e-Governance services delivery

This also saved Rs. 35 crore per annum and led to interrupted work culture in the entire UT of Jammu Kashmir without any official break of six weeks for organization of files in Jammu and Srinagar respectively.

NewsBharati    13-Jun-2022 18:27:31 PM
Total Views | 62
Jammu, Jun 13: The UT of Jammu Kashmir tops among all the Union territories of India in e-Governance services delivery. The feature has also enabled the union territory to save around Rs. 35 Cr annually that was incurred in carriage of physical files during the Annual Durbar move between the two capital cities of Jammu and Srinagar.
Addressing the National Workshop on e-Office and Launch of National e-Governance Service Delivery Assessment (NeSDA 2022), Dr Jitendra Singh informed that in the Union Territories category, Jammu and Kashmir was assessed for the first time in NeSDA 2021 and scored the highest amongst all UTs for six sectors. The update was informed today (Jun 13) by Union Minister of Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions where he lauded the UT of Jammu and Kashmir for achieving this position with an overall compliance of nearly 90 pc.
He said, after coming into force of the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act, 2019 with effect from Oct 31, J&K became the first UT in the country to have Good Governance Index and was also first to launch District Good Governance Index for 20 districts of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir in Jan 2022. Dr. Jitendra Singh said, the operationalization of two Secretariats in Jammu and Kashmir was possible because of e-Office and that has put an end to Annual Darbar move carrying over 300 truckloads of files between the two capital cities of Srinagar and Jammu.
Besides, this also saved Rs. 35 crore per annum and led to interrupted work culture in the entire UT without any official break of six weeks for organization of files in Jammu and Srinagar respectively. The Minister said, the adoption of e-Office has enabled the simultaneous operationalization of both Jammu and Srinagar Secretariats and was one of the biggest reforms related to the practice of Darbar move.