Mumbai, May 7: Actor Farhan Akhtar is all set to join the Marvel family with the upcoming web series, Ms Marvel. Confirming the news, the actor shared a clipping of a news report on his social media, writing in the caption, "Grateful that the universe gifts these opportunities to grow, learn and in this case have a ton of fun while doing it."
According to reports, the details of his character have been kept under wraps, but his role is said to be a guest appearance.
The series, Ms Marvel, centres around a teenager Kamala Khan/Ms Marvel, who is a fan of the Avengers and struggles after she discovers her own superpowers. The web series also features famous Pakistani actor Fawad Khan.
Created by Bisha K. Ali, it is intended to be the 7th TV series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The makers unveiled the trailer in March, leaving MCU fans eager to watch the series.