Mapping the Uttar Pradesh election: constituency-wise

NewsBharati    01-Feb-2022 10:28:07 AM
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The assembly election campaign, despite covid restrictions is slowly heating up. As the zoomable map shows, the 2017 election in Uttar Pradesh was a historic and landslide victory for BJP, reducing the Congress to a nigeligent force and restraining the regional SP and BSP to small pockets.
So what is this elections challenge to BJP?. To understand that, newsbharati mapped the constituencies on the basis of victory margin in percentage.
As we can see by exploring this second map, There are 159 constituencies where the winning candidate has less than 10% victory margin over his next opponent. Further analysis shows that out of this 159 constituencies BJP is winner in 97 constituencies, SP in 34 and BSP in 16. Click on the segments in the map and see which constituencies are in which segment. Expect some bitter fight in these 150+ constituencies. Add to it the issues in this election and you should be able to make your own guess.