Who is the Culprit for Morbi Incident? 3 ways to avoid such incidents in the future…!

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NewsBharati    01-Nov-2022 13:54:33 PM   
Total Views | 119

For the last two days, disturbing visuals are coming on every social media platform from Morbi. Near about 135 people died in the hanging bridge collapse incident. So many people went missing and some went injured. But the real question is who is the culprit? If you have seen videos, over-capacity people were standing on the bridge, they were pulling the strings and some were trying to enjoy the bridge like a swing, little did they think they could invite their deaths through this careless act.



We have immense respect for people who lost their lives in the poor tragic incident. And our heart goes out to their families. However, we are the ones, the common people who are the major reason for such tragedies. It was chhath Pooja and 1000s of people gathered in one place, the capacity of that bridge was not as much as the people who were standing on the same. Not just standing some were jumping, some were pulling strings of the bridge and some were trying to use it like a swing, the visuals are in front of us, and videos are coming from everywhere.


We are losing basic civic sense and the consequences of the same are horrible and took almost 135 lives at once. All were there to worship “Chhati Maai” little did they know, it was their last Chhath Pooja. Some could not even perform the Pooja. But blaming others, blaming the government, and the administration won’t help if we do not have a basic civic sense. When it was visible that the bridge is not made for 500 people, still people climbed on the same, when they could see that bridge is going over capacity, They did not stop, on the other hand, they started pulling the strings. Can we blame those who died? No, we can’t because they were innocent, and whatever happened they would have never imagined.

Now, what can we do to avoid such tragedies in the future? :

1. Follow basic civic sense: If you are in such a place that is overcrowded, try not to be a part of the crowd and help others by telling them what can go wrong. Follow basic rules like following a queue. Do not pull others or push others. Do not do anything like people did on that bridge that day (Eg Pulling strings, jumping on the bridge). In short, be a person who has civic sense. Do not add to the existing stress.

2. Find alternatives: If you are seeing the situation is getting crucial and if you have that feeling something can go wrong, try to find out the alternatives, do they have any other staircase? Or any other option to reach your goal to avoid the stamped situation? Or in this case, was there any other way to cross the river? If something is more important than your life, then only take such a risk. (Which never is.)

3. Educate yourself and educate others: First of all educate yourself about such a situation, what can go wrong, and where to find solutions. What to do in such situations. There are so many awareness videos available on Youtube. Be mentally prepared for such situations anytime in your life and educate others about the same. Even a few conscious and aware people can save so many lives in such situations.

If you can do this for yourself and for your society we can avoid such tragedies in the future. Bhavpoorna Shradhhanjali to the people who lost their lives in this Morbi Tragedy. This is a learning lesson for all of us, let’s learn from this tragedy and try not to repeat it in the future.


Niharika Pole Sarwate

Niharika Pole Sarwate became a journalist to voice her opinion for the right. She has been working as journalist for more than five years now. Art, Culture, Youth, Nation are her areas of work. Social media has strong power and she is on a mission to utilise it for the betterment of the society.