Taliban warns US against operating drones over Afghan airspace!

29 Sep 2021 13:21:33
In yet another sequence of events, Taliban has asked the United States to stop operating drones in Afghan airspace, terming the US move a breach of national security. Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid has asked all the nations to act in accordance with mutual obligations to prevent consequences.

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Terming the US move a breach of national security, Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid asked all the nations to act in accordance with mutual obligations to prevent consequences. According to a statement issued by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) on Tuesday, all countries are the sole owners of the territorial and air sovereignty of their states under international law." Therefore, the Islamic Emirate, as the sole legal entity of Afghanistan, is the guardian of Afghanistan’s land and airspace”.
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"But we recently saw United States violating all international rights, law and United States' commitments to the Islamic Emirate in Doha, Qatar, as Afghanistan's sacred airspace is being invaded by US drones. These violations must be rectified and prevented," it added.
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Mujahid called on all countries, especially the United States, to act in accordance with mutual obligations to prevent any negative consequences. Earlier this month, the US military backtracked from its defence of the drone strike in Kabul that took place last month targeting ISIS-K terrorists that killed 10 civilians, including seven children, and apologised for the “tragic mistake”.
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