Taking the social media site, she thanked PM Modi for his “early morning gracious call" to offer condolences on the death of actor Dilip Kumar. Saira wrote, "Thank you hon’ be @PMOIndia Shri @narendramodi Ji for your early morning gracious phone call and condolences. -Saira Banu Khan."
Saira also thanked PM Modi and Maharashtra chief minister Uddhav Thackeray for the state honors accorded to Dilip Kumar for his funeral."Thank you @PMOIndia and @CMOMaharashtra for according Dilip Sahib burial with state funeral protocols. - Saira Banu Khan," she wrote.
PM Modi
condoled the demise of Dilip Kumar, saying he will be remembered as a cinematic legend and his passing away is a loss to our cultural world. He had written, ”Dilip Kumar Ji will be remembered as a cinematic legend. He was blessed with unparalleled brilliance, due to which audiences across generations were enthralled. His passing away is a loss to our cultural world. Condolences to his family, friends, and innumerable admirers. RIP."
Kumar died at a Mumbai hospital on Wednesday morning after a prolonged illness. He was 98. Saira Banu was constantly by his side at the hospital while he underwent treatment. The cinema icon's state funeral was held with state honors on Wednesday evening.