Using position to convert people to Christianity? IMA chief acts against professional ethics causing serious disharmony in India

NewsBharati    27-May-2021
Total Views | 650
May everybody be happy
May everybody be healthy
May everybody be free from pain
May everybody be free from sorrow
May we be the healing cure
Beyond every greed & lure
This is exactly how any meeting of the Indian Medical Association starts with, followed by the Flag Salutation. It says, "May we be the healing cure, without greed and lure"! Well, where did this prayer secrete itself while actively promoting conversion of vulnerable people to Christianity? The Legal Rights Protection Forum on May 26 has registered an official complaint against the Indian Medical Association and its President John Rose Austin Jayalal for open intentions of splitting human beings into Christians and non-Christians. In a letter to the Ministry of Home Affairs, National Medical Commission and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, the LRPF has sought revocation of Medical Practitioner's licence.
As per the information, Indian Medical Association has received Rs 8.72 crores from the Health Ministry for the two financial years 2018-19 and 2019-20 successively for the purpose of handling ‘TB Project’. It has come to the notice of larger public of the nation that John Rose Austin Jayalal, the President of ‘Indian Medical Association’ Society is abusing his position and profession to convert to Christianity, young doctors and anyone who comes into contact with him in the course of his discharge of his duties as National President of Indian Medical Association.

Indian Medical Associatio 
In two separate interviews, Jayalal has expressed strong views about proselytising Hindus at each and every available opportunity which he comes across as a Doctor or as Professor of Medicine. Below are extracts from his recent interview given to ‘Haggai International’ an International Christian Body and the ideas and activities explained by John Rose Austin Jayalal are very serious in nature, seemingly intended to cause huge damage to communal harmony between different religious groups of India.
"Hindu Nationalist government wants to destroy modern medicine. Government has not come forward to support COVID victims/lockdown difficulties but the Church has taken care of that. They want to make it one nation, one system of medicine. Next, they will want to make it one religion. This is also based on a Sanskrit language, which is always traditionally based on the Hindu principles. This is an indirect way for the government to introduce the language of Sanskrit and language of Hindutva into the minds of the people. Organised hunger strike, fasting protest and fighting in Supreme Court against non-allopathic systems of medicine.
Christian doctors should be physical healing as well as spiritual healing. We need more Christian doctors to work more in secular institutions, mission institutions, and medical colleges. I am working as a professor of surgery in a medical college, so it is also a good opportunity for me to carry on the principles of Christian healing there. I also have the privilege of mentoring graduates and the interns. Hindus are softcore, practice Polytheism and hence easy to make them accept Jesus. The opportunity in front of every Christian is splendid. It is not solely the responsibility of the pastor"
Dr Jayalal has made it clear through his various interviews that he looks at fellow humans as Christians and non-Christians. He even had made below serious remarks against Government of India which are completely baseless: “The Hindu Nationalist Government wants to destroy modern medicine saying it is ‘western medicine.’ Please keep this in your international prayers. If everything goes their way, we will not have pure modern medicine courses in India by 2030. India is currently one of the most dangerous countries in the world for practicing Christians, and Dr. Jayalal confirms that the government is indeed hostile to believers”
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, instead of treating the patients as a humanitarian catastrophe, aren't Dr. Jayalal and his team of rabid evangelists are gleefully rubbing their hands and treating the pandemic as an opportunity to spread the Gospel in news ways to more and more people? This is nothing short of a vulture like approach to human suffering, death and devastation. It is also shocking that as a medical doctor, instead of relying on his medical skills, he has chosen to thrust the fear of God into people suffering from Covid-19 Pandemic.
Won't any further continuation of John Rose Austin Jayalal as head of Indian Medical Association pose imminent danger to the secular fabric of the country? His intentions, statements and actions are completely against Professional Ethics and likely to cause serious disharmony between religious groups in India. The Government of India, all for the sake of country's better future and welfare must take strict action against such medical heads ensuring uniform treatment throughout!