Baloch leaders unite to liberate Baluchistan, predict Pakistan’s fall

NewsBharati    11-Sep-2020 18:59:30 PM
Total Views | 52

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New Delhi, Sept. 11: Squarely blaming Pakistan for atrocities and injustice to Baloch citizens, senior RSS leader and Patron of Forum for Awareness of National Security (FANS) Indresh Kumar appealed to all the Baloch leaders and organizations to carry forward the Baluchistan Liberation Movement with full force, unity, and vigor.

He was addressing an international webinar organized by FANS on the “Baluchistan Liberation Movement: Possibilities and Challenges” recently. He said that the people of Baluchistan were fighting for the liberation of their motherland and pleading their case on various international fora like the United Nations for long. They are also conveying to the world community the atrocities and injustices heaped on them by the Pakistan Government. India too has been trying to attract the global attention to this problem from time to time, he added.

He said that Pakistan was born with the partition of India. But it was divided into two nations in 1971. Today, Pakistan is at the brink of multiple divisions and in the near future the geography of the country would undergo serious changes, he predicted.

baloch_1  H x WIndresh Kumar reminded the audience that at the time of India’s partition, the British were told in clear terms by the Baloch leaders that they would not join Pakistan. But Mohammad Ali Jinnah and the British collided and with their joint diplomacy forcibly occupied Baluchistan and attached it to Pakistan. Opposing this forcible unification, the Baloch people had launched the liberation struggle since 1948, Indresh Kumar said.

Pakistan has subjected the Baloch people to tortures, atrocities, and injustices of all kinds and ruthlessly crushing their liberation movement. China is also helping Pakistan in curbing the Baloch movement. Pakistan has killed lakhs of innocent people, kidnapped thousands, and inflicted atrocities on them. Pakistani army used tanks and guns against the Baloch people and forced them to abandon their home and hearth. Many Baloch people have taken shelter in India and other countries of the world. Now they are united for an independent Baluchistan.

Indresh Kumar said that Baloch and Pashtun leaders were dead against joining Pakistan at the time of the Partition of India. They had raised their voice either to merge with India or to live as independent nations. But their voice was not heard by the British and the Congress leaders.

He said that it is necessary today for the Baloch leaders to intensify their movement to liberate Baluchistan with the expression of strong unity and assured them that the Indian people are with them in this movement and they will be successful in their mission.

He suggested that the Baloch leaders join hands together to form the Baluchistan Government in Exile as the Tibetans have done. Indresh Kumar gave three important suggestions to make this movement a successful agitation.

First, all Baloch leaders should come together and elect their leader unanimously and decide in which country they want to take refuge. Second, the Baloch leaders should talk to the leaders of various countries to seek their recognition of their government in exile. Third, they should decide on one flag, one slogan, one constitution, and a common program.

He urged the Baloch leaders to take any step after giving a deep thought and then decided on their objective. The mission of liberating Baluchistan can be accomplished with firm resolve and common agenda and strong unity.

National Organizing Secretary of FANS Golok Bihari Rai said that the Baluchistan Liberation Movement should raise its collective voice. Baluchistan has been the part of Greater Bharat since the Vedic culture. Baloch people have close ties with Marathi people. They have maintained their identity and presently fighting for their liberation.

He said that the Pakistan Army is targeting Baloch people and inflicting on them atrocities in the detention camps which is an open secret. Pakistan intends to destroy the Baloch identity. The martyrdom of leaders like Akbar Khan Bugti will give new vigor and inspiration to this movement, Golok Bihari said.

baloch_1  H x WProf. Nayala Qadri Baloch, President of Baloch People’s Congress, Canada, addressing the webinar said that the Pakistan army has committed atrocities on the Baloch people for decades but we have never accepted the subjugation of Pakistan or Iran. The Baloch, Pashtun, and Baltistan all want independence from Pakistan, she said adding that India too is confronting the Pak-sponsored terrorism. It is, therefore, necessary to build a common front to deal with Pakistani atrocities and injustice, she said.

She said that the Baloch people received much-needed support from India and our effort is to form a government of Baluchistan in exile. Pakistan, Iran, and China are the three enemies of the Baloch people, she said adding that in spite of their atrocities and efforts of subjugation, we are conducting our movement.

Not a single day passes without the killing of Baloch people but we are consistently sacrificing for our freedom and now there is a need to have a government of Baluchistan to deal with Pakistan, she emphasized.

We have contacted a number of nations including India and now we will form a committee to contact all our organizations to form a government in exile. We are trying o set up such a government in India and hope for India’s cooperation in this effort, she said.

She appealed to India to lend support to the Baluchistan liberation movement and cooperate with the government in exile so that they can liberate their motherland.

Haqim Baloch of Baloch National Movement, the U K, said that the liberation movement gathered momentum in the 90s with an intention to liberate Baloch people from the clutches of Pakistan. Had it received the support and sympathy of the world community the situation would have been different today, he said.

Baloch youth have strengthened this voice of dissent with great struggle. Pakistan has banned this movement but ignoring this the Baloch youth are raising their voice. This movement needs to be made vocal on the international platform to expose the cruelty, inhuman face, and atrocities of Pakistan.

Human Rights activist Fahim Baloch from the UK presented the degrading of the human rights of the Baloch people. He said that the British had divided Baluchistan in many ways and then Pakistan has lashed its atrocities against the Baloch people. The Pakistan army abducts Baloch people daily and kill them. Thousands of Baloch were rendered homeless, their properties destroyed and human rights trounced.

Pakistan considers each Baloch citizen as a culprit. There is no education as the Pakistan army has destroyed the educational institutions. People living adjacent to CPEC are forcibly evicted and kidnapped. He said that the world community must intervene in daily kidnapping and expose Pakistan.