AYUSH is a Government Ministry that focuses attention for development of Education and Research in Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy. It ensures the optimal development and propagation of AYUSH systems of health care. AYUSH has been working extensively to prevent the spread of the novel corona virus.

Indian Medical Association (IMA) is a national voluntary organisation of
doctors of Modern Scientific System of Medicine, which looks after the interest of doctors as well as the well being of the community at large. It has over 3,30,000 doctors as its members through more than 1750 local branches spread all over the country.
The Health Minister, Dr. Harsha Vardhan released a document that prescribed a protocol for prevention and treatment of asymptomatic and mild Covid-19 cases that was based on Ayurveda and Yoga. It promotes use of Ayurvedic medicines and Yoga to prevent, treat and offer post-Covid self-care.

The IMA questioned Health Minister’s move to promote alternative medicines and Yoga for Corona patients. IMA asked the Health Minister questions like, “How many of his ministerial colleagues have so far got treated under AYUSH protocols?” IMA has by this not only damaged the reputation of the Health Minister but also that of AYUSH, Ayurveda and Yoga. IMA has tried to create disbelief amongst the people regarding the preventive measures prescribed by AYUSH. Its allegations are unfounded as it is known that the measures prescribed by AYUSH are available at affordable prices, and AYUSH has conducted about 68 clinical and observational studies at 112 sites across India, the results of many of which are in publication stage.
Like any common person who falls ill and seeks to get well, I too have approached different medical systems for different illnesses. Like many, I have availed Allopathic, Ayurvedic, Yoga and Homeopathic treatments with good results. I am not against any ‘pathy’; but when one ‘pathy’ tries to claim that, “it is the best and the one and only one scientific pathy”; well, one does have reservations about that claim. Especially when, effectiveness of Allopathic medicines used for the treatment of Covid-19, be it Hydroxychloroquine or Remdesivir, has been questioned by WHO; and worldwide more than a million people have died due to Covid-19 in spite of being treated with highly expensive Allopathic treatment.
“Even a 4th grader knows that 1 3 is 4, 2 x 2 is 4, 326 – 322 is 4, and 1828 / 457 is also 4. When even a mathematical problem has multiple solutions, how can an organization that represents ‘modern scientific medical system’ claim that there is ‘one and only one solution’ to any illness? This claim is unscientific.”
Historically exclusivity has been intolerant of alternatives, variety and diversity. For example, the Western religions have been intolerant of even their own branches. These religions claimed that theirs was the ‘one and only one God’. The Church stifled out any religious and philosophical competition by branding the Gods of other religions as ‘fake’ and the religions as ‘Pagan’.
The ‘modern western scientific medical system’ is playing the same game that the Church had played before. This system, is branding the alternative medical systems as ‘Pseudoscientific’ and its practitioners as ‘quacks’.
When, in past, this system has acquired traditional medical knowledge from around the world. It has created modern medicines by isolating chemicals from the herbal remedies. Very recently, this Modern Scientific System tried to acquire patents for traditional medicines like Turmeric and Neem. And now it calls the traditional systems as a ‘Pseudoscience’.
The Doctor to patient ratio in India is poor. India, especially rural India needs more doctors. There is much space for every kind of medical system to thrive. The system that does not give good results will automatically be rejected by the people. Yet, IMA refuses to give the traditional medical systems a level playing ground.
One wonders if IMA is attacking the traditional systems because it has concern for patients or because it is afraid of competition. If it really has care for the patients at heart, it must focus on making its medicine side-effect free. But instead IMA is busy shaming the traditional systems.

Recently the idol of Goddess Kali in a Hoysala Temple in Doddavgaduvalli was smashed by an unknown iconoclastic hand. This is an attack on the Indic culture and its traditions. The thrashing of traditional medical systems by a self proclaimed ‘modern scientific medicinal branch’ is similar to it in many ways than meets the eye.