Respect every SAVITRI out there.. educate her.. For SHE serves, mirrors and stands up for the society!

News Bharati    03-Jan-2020 10:42:02 AM
Total Views | 278
By Siddhi Somani - 
 Each woman, each time she stands up, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for the society at large.. And that's her real, rare strength! Remenbering Savitribai Phule on her 189th birth anniversary today
Go, get education.. Be industrious.. Work, gather wisdom.. All gets lost without knowledge.. End misery of the oppresses and forsaken.. Learn, break the chains of caste! Savitribai Phule now is no more just a pioneer in women's education in India, she is a feeling, an inspiration, that every women in the country is striving to look for. The lady who encouraged the deprived women in the society of around 19th century, to learn and gather wisdom, also heartened them to stand up for their Fundamental Rights, Right to Speak, Right to Expression and that to education!

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All know today that her struggle was fraught with many difficulties, despite that she continued her work peacefully. Men with no mentality, purposely would wait in the streets and pass lewd remarks, sometimes pelted stones and threw cow dung or mud. The guard who was then appointed for her, wrote in his memoirs about what she would say to those men, “As I do the sacred task of teaching my fellow sisters, the stones or cow dung that you throw seem like flowers to me. May God bless you!”

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Oh mother Savitribai!
the lamp of education that you lighted
so many years earlier
is enlightening millions of your daughters today
for respect of today's women
you sacrificed all your life facing abuse
even dirt thrown on you
even risking your life
but you never let your ambitions turn impure
by the filth of this chauvinists society
today every women of India
is indebted by your sacrifice
the modern India women
salutes you and continues
taking your inspiration!
Here today, if we imagine the current society to be the one it was in 19th century, where every woman was supposed to sit back in between four walls of the house, where every woman was made live only to feed the children, where every woman was deliberately kept away from the books and words.. 2020 would also have been a menace!
A lady is composed of limitless strength, she is courageous, she is responsible, she is SAVITRI.. Though gives her power by thinking she's deprived of some, even today! Each woman, each time she stands up, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for the society at large.. And that's her real, rare strength! Love and respect her, look to her not only for comfort, but for strength and inspiration and the doubling of your intellectual and moral powers. Blot out from your mind any idea of superiority, you have none!