Traitors must not go Unpunished! SC lawyer files a case against Shehla Rashid for demeaning the Centre and the Indian Army

News Bharati    19-Aug-2019
Total Views | 40
New Delhi, August 19: Demanding immediate arrest for flagrantly spreading fake news and committing offence of promoting enmity between the classes, the Supreme Court lawyer on Monday filed a criminal complaint against a Ph. D pursuant at JNU, Shehla Rashid.
Inciting dissatisfaction towards the Centre over the Kashmir issue and placing the reverent Indian Army into the bad light, Rashid in a series of tweets on the night of August 18, accused the Indian Army of torturing locals in the garb of interrogating them and creating an environment of fear in Shopian, located in southern Kashmir.
“Armed forces are entering houses at night, picking up boys, ransacking houses, deliberately spilling rations on the floor, mixing oil with rice, etc”, she falsely said in one of her tweets.

Denying the said claims, Indian Army affirmed that the allegations levelled by Shehla Rashid were baseless and rejected. “Such unverified and fake news are spread by inimical elements and organisations to incite unsuspecting population”, it said.
Meanwhile, the criminal compliant filed by, a Gold Medallist Advocate at Supreme Court of India, Alakh Alok Srivastav read, “The aforesaid allegations made by the accused are absolutely false, baseless and concocted, which is evident from the fact that she has not produced any voice recording of the alleged torture or name, date, time or any other specific information about the aforesaid alleged incidents”.
“She is intentionally inciting violence in the country and maligning the image of the Indian Army, nationally as well as internationally”, Srivastav said adding that her tweets, being shared by many Twitter users on international platforms were causing irreparable injury to the reputation of India.