Fashion with nation..! NaMo merchandise aids India branding nation’s development..!

25 Apr 2019 15:46:59
New Delhi, April 25: With the youngsters and the development champions in India wanting the extant PM to return to the reigns, the merchandise sector amid the Lok Sabha election underway has spearheaded to bring alive the spirit of Indian-ness in everything that is done and intended ahead.

With the global design and innovation of ‘Branding India Globally’, the NaMo merchandise in India is set to promote dynamism, creativity and innovation in the fashion industry. T-shirts branding ‘NaMo Again’, ‘Keep calm and trust NaMo’, ‘NaMo Namahaa’ are out in trend along with other season essentials like cap, mug, hoodies, pens and much more.
An enterprise evolved to support the 'Make In India' initiative, devises to transform India into a global design and manufacturing hub. The primary objective of this initiative is to create manufacturing firms within India to create more job opportunities and enhance the skills of the people of India across different sectors of India.
Besides supporting the nation, the brand merchandise aims at creating an international consortium by creating saneness among the youth about global creative benchmarks and entrepreneurial attitudes; bring the creative thinkers and opinion makers to India and lead the momentum of change.
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