Its a movement..! Take actions 'Protecting Our Species' to save the planet

News Bharati    22-Apr-2019
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New Delhi, April 22: Its the planet we live on and is home to more than six billion humans and countless other animals and plants. But with climate change and pollution endangering planet Earth, people are being implored to help protect the fragile environment. The one said way to help the mother Earth is by taking action, Earth Day 2019.

The day, being an annual event, is marked across the world to show support for environmental protection aiming to encourage people to do things that will benefit the Earth, such as recycling more, using solar power or plant trees.
For 2019, the Earth Day theme is settled at ‘Protecting Our Species’. Citing to the queries down to how do we simply can follow the theme, here are some simple steps one can get involved to protect the species.
1. Educating and raising awareness about the accelerating rate of extinction of millions of species and the causes and consequences of this phenomenon
2. Achieving major policy victories that protect broad groups of species as well as individual species and their habitats
3. Building and activating a global movement that embraces nature and its values
4. Adopting a plant based diet and stopping pesticide and herbicide use
Holding ourselves accountable for the current climatic scenario, we humans need to focus on the rapid global destruction, reduction of the world's plant and wildlife populations aligned. Redirecting abide to this climate change, deforestation, habitat loss, poaching, unsustainable agriculture, pollution and pesticides, walking on the pathway of 2019 Earth Day theme marks a crucial and a mandatory step.
Incepted after a devastating oil spill more almost 50 years ago, a group of peace activists promoted to raise environmental awareness, celebrating the day abide 192 countries across the world now. Over the years, the planet has witnessed and experienced enormous and transformative changes, making it what it is today. It’s high time now, for everyone, everywhere, to rise up in support of a healthier, more stable environment.