It's either 'vote' or 'vaat'..! Cast your choice for a better India, a better future and a better democracy..!

NewsBharati    27-Mar-2019
Total Views | 5
New Delhi, March 27: Unfolding Indian Elections and its journey abide, the role of the masses have always been above and ahead. As our schooling teaches us appropriate, ‘Democracy is for the people, of the people and by the people..!’, it becomes utmost right of the citizens, duty and responsibility to cast vote in the estimated perception and favouring reigns.

We, being a responsible citizen, own a heavy thread in our hands, heavy enough to pull the unwanted powers down or weave the nation in a proper piece. When whole of the nation is busy in campaigning and the other side is analysing the truth, the ruling reigns have pledged to leave no voter behind ahead of the Lok Sabha Election. “Voting is your right, your duty and your responsibility. Do it for you, do it for your future and do it for the democracy”, they say spreading awareness amongst the voters.
The Election Commission of India widely referred to as ‘Desh ka Maha Tyohar’, have released a awareness clip in diverse languages giving one simple message, being ‘Go Vote’. “If you are 18years old, you can take part in the LokSabha 2019 elections by casting your vote to elect people’s representative. Having desire for development, one must participate in our electoral process.”, said the clip.
The only thing predictable about Indian elections is that they are unpredictable. Extrapolating the 2011 Census data, about 2 crore youngsters turn 18 every year. When the 2019 elections come around, there could be, hypothetically, 10 crore first time voters as not everyone gets registered with the Election Commission of India (ECI), that being a cohort that no political party can afford to ignore.