US wants explanation for Turkey threat to close two bases

17 Dec 2019 19:22:09

Ankara, December 17: US Defence Secretary Mark Esper has said, he wants an explanation from Ankara over threats to close two strategic military bases used by the United States in Turkey. Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday had threatened to close the Incirlik and Kurecik bases while speaking to a pro-government television channel. The two bases sit on Turkey's southwest coast, near the border with Syria.


The US air force uses the airbase at Incirlik for raids on positions held by the Islamic State (IS) group in Syria. The Kurecik base houses a major NATO radar station.

Esper told that he would need to speak to his counterpart, Defence Minister Hulusi Akar, to understand what they really mean.

"If the Turks are serious about this, I mean, they are a sovereign nation to begin with... they have the inherent right to house or not to house NATO bases or foreign troops," Esper said.

"I think this becomes an Alliance's matter, their commitment to the Alliance, if indeed they are serious about what they are saying," he added.

Tensions also rose when Turkey launched a military incursion into northeastern Syria in October against the Kurds, who were US allies in the fight against IS.

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