New Delhi, October 23: Speaking up for the atrocities pondered on people of Kashmir especially the Kashmiri pandits who were forced to move out of their homeland, senior journalist Aarti Tikoo unveils the ugly reality of islamist rule where humanity covered its face with shame. She busted the propaganda about "crisis" in Jammu & Kashmir at US House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on 'Human Rights in South Asia'.
Elaborating her stance on the atrocities and harassment by separatist and Pakistan she said, "The 30 years of Islamic jihad & terror in Kashmir perpetrated by Pak has been completely ignored and overlooked by the world press." Questioning the significance of democracy, slamming Pakistan she further added that the Pakistani Islamists drove the Kashmiri Hindus out of Kashmir in 1990. The Hindu India were denied to voice their stand for 30 years.
Pakistan's diabolic designs and support for terror groups active in Jammu and Kashmir along with the partisan coverage of human rights abuses in the Union Territory by international media was once again exposed by the senior journalist at the international forum. She tore into Pakistan pointing out that terrorists trained on its soils and sponsored by its agencies were behind the mayhem in Kashmir valley and elsewhere in the country.
According to her, international media and human rights activists had willingly ignored Pakistan's role in insitigating terror strikes Kashmir. She also gave an account of several prominent Kashmiris being victims of Pakistan sponsored terror in the past. To support her argument, she cited the killing of senior Kashmiri journalist and peace activist Shujaat Bukhari by the hands of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT).
Condemning the media for its biased approach, she said, "There are no human rights activists and press in the world which feels it's their moral obligation to talk about victims of Pakistani terror in Kashmir." The journalist asserted that the current misrepresentation of Kashmir by Western Media helps the narrative of Pakistani perpetrators and not the victims in Kashmir.
She said that during her visit to Srinagar, she interacted with the people at the healthcare centres. She elaborated saying that there has been a lockdown in the valley but the people do not oppose because in 2016, the islamic groups and separatist had done the same and this is nothing new. The healthcare facilities given to the people are far better and willing.