After Vijay starrer Mersal, Kaala will be the second Tamil movie, to get special recognition from Twitter. Salman Khan's Tubelight was the first Indian flick to get special Twitter emoji. The Rajinikanth starrer Kaala will hit the screen on June 7 in Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi. Besides Rajinikanth, the film has rich star cast like Nana Patekar Huma Qureshi and Anjali Patil.
After the successful outing of Kabali, Rajani has once again teamed up with director Pa. Ranjith for the high octane social-political drama where Rajinikanth will portray the character of Dharavi’s don. The project is bankrolled by Wunderbar Films in association with Lyca Productions, a leading production house down south. Actor Dhanush owns the Wunderbar Films.
@wunderbarfilms @TwitterIndia @dhanushkraja