Washington, April 27: We have many times either on TV or in reality that Police is running to catch the thieves who are trying to escape by car or something but now there is an invention or system which will help the authorities to catch these fugitives or even it can be boon to put a chain on those who like road-rashing or rough fast driving on roads.
Police Bumper’s Grappler is a system that consists of a net attached to posts that mount on the front of police cars. With the push of a button, the posts extend when the tool is in use. The Grappler works by having the net grab onto a rear wheel of the suspect’s car. Once the wheel is snagged, the netting wraps around the car’s axle, completely immobilizing the vehicle. A long tether ensures that even vehicles with front wheel drive can be brought to a controlled stop. The linear nature of the resistance allows the Grappler to be safe for use even in heavy traffic.
With the Grappler’s tether in place, it could allow the apprehended car much less room to maneuver, giving the police better control of the car while bringing it to a stop.
This system maximizes both safety and ease of use. Technology that gives law enforcement non-lethal and safe means of de-escalation keep us safer while also allowing perpetrators to have their day in court.