New Delhi, April 10: What first thing you do after buying a vehicle? You’ll go for fitting a number plate paying limitless money for it. But this procedure will now change soon because now the automakers will themselves attach a number plate while they produce an automobile.
"We have taken an important decision. Now, manufacturers will fit the plates and embossing will be done later through the machine" Gadkari added.
"We will not compromise with security.... what security norms we have done for economic models, same is for luxury and SUVs," he said.
The new technology number plates are intended to bring relief to consumers but also bring in uniformity across states and transparency in prices. The prices for number plates by states vary between ₹ 800 and ₹ 40,000, the minister added further. Currently, the registration number for the number plate is issued by the Regional Transport Office (RTO) of the respective states.
Naturally, the price of the plate will be included in car's cost and the consumer will get some relief, he said.