Gandhinagar, March 25: In a unique initiative, the four-day-long Madhavpur Mela which began on Sunday morning will see its first-ever cultural integration with the North-East under the banner of Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat. Notably, the Madhavpur Mela which began today will conclude on 28th of this month is being held in Madhavpur Ghed, District Porbandar in Gujarat in a grand way.
As the Madhavpur Mela of Gujarat shares its connection with the Mishmi Tribe of Arunachal Pradesh. The Mishmi Tribe traces its ancestry to the legendary King Bhishmak and through him to his daughter Rukmini and Lord Krishna. Therefore, during the four-day-long Madhavpur Mela, for the first time ever the festival will celebrate the immortal journey which Rukmini undertook from Arunachal Pradesh to Gujarat with Lord Krishna.
A jatha of 150 persons from the North-East will be given a traditional welcome at Madhavpur Mela as representatives of Rukmini’s family. The festival will also see a vibrant cultural trail of art, dance, music, poetry, story-telling and folk drama from Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and the other North-Eastern States with the aim to integrate the rich cultures of the two regions.
Interestingly, Madhavpur Ghed is a small but culturally significant village, is the place where, according to folklore, Lord Krishna married Rukmini, the daughter of King Bhishmaka. Madhavpur lies on the seashore, close to Porbandar. A 15th-century Madhavrai temple marks the site. This event is commemorated by a cultural fair held every year, commencing on Ram Navami. A colorful chariot carrying the idol of Krishna circumnavigates the village and the festivities usually continue for five days. This year the Ministry of Culture is collaborating with Government of Gujarat to scale up the festival by incorporating the various vital elements.
Madahvpur Mela will also witness for the first time ever the magnificent performances from the North-East, especially Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur. Troupes from Assam will perform Rukmini-Haran, a popular folk theatre of the region. A musical troupe from Manipur will sing songs related to Rukmini in the Khullong Ishei and Nat genre. Dance-dramas based on Rukmini-Krishna legends from Arunachal and Manipur and folk dance of the Idu Mishmi tribe from Arunachal will be part of the varied repertoire.
An exposition and sale of art and crafts of Gujarat and handloom and handicrafts products from Arunachal, Manipur and other North-Eastern states will be part of the event. A Visual Art Exhibition on Krishna and Rukmini put together by different institutions of Ministry of Culture like the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts and Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya highlighting the variegated legends of Krishna and Rukmini will be organized at an exhibition space being created for the purpose.
Earlier, on Saturday in a press conference, Culture Minister Dr. Mahesh Sharma said that the IGNCA, Manav Sangrahalay of Ministry of Culture and States of Gujarat, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and others have joined hands to give a new dimension to the festival.